Alice Cooper breaks down her all-time favorite albums


Alice Cooper was one of hundreds of artists, writers and industry insiders who voted to help shape Rolling stoneThe all-new list of the 500 best albums of all time. The shock rocker recently called to discuss the top 10 picks on his ballot, which ranged from classics like Animal sounds and Meet the Beatles to lesser-known LPs, like his number one choice, Is West by the Butterfield Blues Band.

“IIt’s one of those albums that nobody knows. Musicians know it, ”Cooper says of the 1966 blues-rock album, which features Elvin Bishop’s lead guitar and Bob Dylan sideman Michael Bloomfield.

“What really crowned it, I think, after I exhausted the album maybe five or six times – and I still have it in my 1968 Mustang – was that I spoke to Elvin Bishop, and he mentioned that most of those songs were done live in the studio, maybe one or two takes, which made it even more amazing, ”Cooper adds. “Because there is no mistake, there is nothing. The feel is wonderful on every song.

Cooper discusses Is West and his other choices in the video above. At one point, he talks about the difficulty of selecting a single Beatles record for his top 10. “I chose Meet the Beatles only because it was the first one that totally knocked me out, because I had never heard anything like it before. We were listening to the Beach Boys and the Four Seasons, and all of a sudden here is this band that comes with all that Beatle hair and boots and costumes, and they were singing these songs that you could hear them once and you knew them. “

For Cooper, it’s the simplicity of writing Beatles songs that sets them apart, and still does today. “I’ve always said this, and people might disagree with me, but it’s easier to write something like ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ than to write something like ‘I want to hold your hand’ He said, adding, “I’m still sure they are aliens.” I don’t think they are from this planet.

Laura Nyro’s Eli and the thirteenth confession, the Yardbirds Have a Rave Up, and love Given Capo are some of the other albums that feature high on Cooper’s list. To see how her top 10 compares to Rolling stone‘s, check out the 500 best albums of all time.


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