Alice Cooper gets Covid 19 vaccine after contracting coronavirus


ALICE COOPER obtains COVID-19 vaccine after contracting coronavirus

According to AZCentral, Alice cooper and his wife received the COVID-19 vaccine after previously contracting the novel coronavirus.

In a video statement, the 73-year-old singer revealed that he and Sheryl Cooper received the vaccine at a facility in Phoenix. They succeeded in their blows Rubicon team, a nonprofit organization that matches military veterans with first responders to help when needed.

Arizona allows people 65 years of age and older to make an appointment to be vaccinated.

Last March, Cooper Told Republic of Arizona that he felt “less vulnerable” in his home than in a different hotel every day. “You don’t know who was there, what they touched,” he explained. “When I was in Europe I would spend all day doing Purell, washing my hands. Every time you touched something you would realize ‘Well, how do you know it’s not infected. ? ‘”

As to whether he was concerned about the possibility of contracting COVID-19, Cooper Told Republic of Arizona: “I’m not afraid of this stuff. … But you have to consider everyone. You never know what the health problems of the guy next door are.”

Alicethe new studio album by “Detroit Stories”, will be released on February 26 via earMUSIC.

Named for the city that launched the original Alice cooper group on the road to success, “Detroit Stories” follows the years 2019 “Breadcrumbs” EP as a modern tribute to the most difficult and craziest rock and roll scene ever.

“Detroit Stories” will be available on CD, CD + DVD digipak, CD box (including CD, Blu-ray, t-shirt, face mask, flashlight and 3 stickers) and gatefold 2LP.

DVD and Blu-ray will show the performance live “A paranormal evening at the Olympia Paris” for the first time on video.

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