Alien foreign shorts made by fans come out on the occasion of the 40th anniversary


Official made by fans Extraterrestrial short films will be distributed for the 40th anniversary. Since its release in 1979, Ridley Scott's Extraterrestrial took a life of its own. With his truly frightening tension buildup and his classic jump fears, the sci-fi horror film has avoided any kind of sneak preview and has quietly arrived on the scene to face a future unlike anything anyone could have predicted.

At the hour, Extraterrestrial From a single blockbuster film to a billion dollar franchise that has so far turned into a comic book ranging from comics to video games, as well as from clothes and action figures. Plus, the basic premise of the original movie – that an alien finds its way aboard a space shuttle that returns to Earth after a seven-year mission and begins to wreak havoc on its team – a has been so much imitated by sci-fi and horror cinema in the years since 1979 to make it a cliche tactic in today's movies. And perhaps one of the most impressive aspects of extraterrestrials The success was the legitimization of his horrible Xenomorph, an extremely popular and even, in some cases, beloved character.

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Now, some 40 years since its first publication, Extraterrestrial once again inspired another generation of filmmakers. According to a Fox press release, six filmmakers were selected from 550 candidates on the crowdsourcing site, Tongal, to create their own short film based in the world of Extraterrestrial. The six films are screened at Seattle's Emerald City Comic Con, Chicago's C2E2 and Anaheim's Wondercon. Check out the trailer below:

Filmmakers had unprecedented access to the film Extraterrestrial franchise, including creatures and characters that they could incorporate into their own movies. Once the six shorts reviewed the different conventions, a weekly release schedule was established with IGN as of March 29th. It will then be available from May 3rd. @AlienAnthology social channels, as well as The six films are: ALIEN: Alone, ALIEN: Confinement, ALIEN: Harvest, ALIEN: Night Shift, ALIEN: Ore, and ALIEN: Specimen. You will find below the synopsis of each film:

ALIEN: AloneHope, an abandoned crew member aboard the abandoned chemical carrier Otranto, spent a year trying to keep her ship alive and stay alive as both slowly collapse. After discovering a hidden cargo, he may put everything under stress to put the ship in search of human life.

ALIEN: Confinement – Four survivors find themselves stuck aboard a small gondola in a deep space. In trying to piece together the details of the epidemic that led to the destruction of their ship, they are not sure if any of them can be infected.

ALIEN: Harvest The surviving crew of a damaged deep space harvester has a few minutes to reach the emergency evacuation shuttle. A motion sensor is their only navigational tool keeping them safe while a creature in the shadows terrorizes the crew. However, the biggest threat may have been hidden from view.

ALIEN: Night Shift – When a missing space trucker is discovered perverted and disoriented, his colleague suggests a nightcap as a cure. At the time of closing the offices, they are reluctantly allowed to enter the colony's supply depot, where the trucker's situation worsens, leaving a young worker-supply alone to take matters into his own hands.

ALIEN: Ore – As a miner working in a mining colony, Lorraine wants to improve the quality of life of her daughter and grandchildren. When her team discovers the death of a minor colleague under mysterious circumstances, Lorraine is forced to choose between fleeing or defying the orders of management and facing her fears of fighting for her family's safety.

ALIEN: Specimen – It's the night shift in a colony greenhouse and Julie, a botanist, does her best to contain the suspicious soil samples that triggered her dog's sensitivity. Despite all his efforts, the laboratory unexpectedly goes to a complete stop and is stuck in the interior. She knows little, an alien specimen has escaped the mysterious cargo and a game of cat and mouse ensues while the creature looks for a host.

If the trailer has enough to do, these shorts seem to be well assembled, with decors and effects of quality that preserve the appearance of the Extraterrestrial franchise. It's a unique way of celebrating 40 years of Extraterrestrialas well as a reminder of the relevance and inspiration of the film, even today.

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Source: Fox

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