All Google Play Store ratings are about to be recalculated


The Google Play Store has built up a vast catalog of reviews and rankings of apps since its launch under the name of Android Market in 2008. These scores are currently treated equally, regardless of their age or their age. novelty. But soon, this whole system will change.

While treating the scores on an equal footing may seem like the most accurate scoring system on paper, it does not take into account the fact that, in most cases, older assessments are no longer representative of Current status of an application. Some assessments, for example, may be lower due to bugs fixed since then. Otherwise, people's scores may have been adversely affected by a lack of functionality, which may have been corrected shortly thereafter. On the other hand, recent reviews of an app could be extremely negative due to outdated bugs and features, while previous reviews could be a lot more positive because, at that time, the application was one of the best deals.

These faults essentially mean that notes are not always an accurate representation of the quality of an application. Android developers have been aware of this problem for some time and are asking Google to do something about it. This is finally the case.

Starting in the month of August, the latest app reviews will become more important than the old ones for calculating the ratings of the Play Store. Google has not specified how the new total will be calculated, but it indicates that developers can preview their new rating from today. Also, since users add an average of 0.7 stars to reviews when developers respond to negative reviews, Google begins to highlight those that, in his opinion, deserve an answer.


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