All HBO Game of Thrones issues have never been resolved


Attention: the spoilers to come for all Game of thrones, including the final.

After eight seasons and 73 episodes, Game of thrones "The iron throne" ends. The road was long, even with a last abbreviated season that gave the impression of crossing the points of the plot at one kilometer per minute.

The last episode answered many of the big questions about the show, including the fate of the Iron Throne, the Seven Kingdoms, and almost all the main characters. But the show has been airing for almost a decade and, as its intrigues swept and intertwined, some details were lost along the way. Here are the biggest questions left unanswered after the final.

Where is Drogon?

At least the characters also ask themselves this question. It flies with the body of Daenerys, and that's all we know. Bran asks his little counsel for the missing dragon, but no one has seen it – although Bran thinks that he could possibly find Drogon himself, which certainly seems possible, given his powers. Since Drogon is the last dragon alive, it seems likely that Westeros will no longer be rewarded by upcoming magical creatures.

Why did Jon Snow go north with the savages?

Where does Jon go at the end of the episode? Is not he supposed to serve with Night's Watch at Castle Black? Well, on one hand, Jon Snow is terrible in his job. No matter what this job is at any given moment, it can not seem to stay. Second, since the White Walkers have been destroyed and the savages are on good terms with Westeros, there is not much to do for Night Watch. And you feel romantic, you can imagine that Jon wants to spend some time outside of Westeros politics to live freely – the kind of thing he had told his first love, Ygritte, all those seasons.

Can Bran see the future?

Bran's powers are never completely defined – it seems obvious that he is the "memory" of humanity and that he can see virtually the entire story, in addition to his ability to penetrate the body of other creatures. But on the basis of season 8, it seems he might also be able to see the future with some accuracy. Things like arranging Arya's murder by giving him a Valyrian steel dagger, and then placing the king of the night in place to kill him, suggests that he has more clairvoyance than he does. admitted. He then added that he had gone to King's Landing only because he knew that the crown would be offered to him, which seems to indicate that he has some degree of precognition. This should be useful for a king, but it raises a lot of questions about every time he did not intervene in the story.

Where did the Dothraki go?

Not clear. At King's Landing, Dothraki is clearly seeing chilling near the docks while Jon makes his sad walk to his boat, but there is clear information on why the Unsullied do not. Have not riot, have killed Jon Snow and have taken the city themselves, The same courtesy is not given to the Dothraki, who seemed to be a little cold at the heart of the murder of their queen. Since they only came to Westeros to serve Dany and help him kill the men in a metal jumpsuit and break their stone houses, we do not really know what they have to do now, especially with their deaths in Khaleesi. Nevertheless, for a Dothraki fighter, the entire Westeros trip was probably a great success, considering these goals.

What about Unsullied?

While Tyrion offers them to land at hand and become a home of Westeros, we see Gray Worm directing an Unsullied ship later in the episode, alongside a fleet of ships similar to black veils. It is unclear whether the entire Unsullied gang will join Gray Worm as he heads for Naath, presumably to liberate the people of Missandei. But it seems likely that they leave collectively. It seems that with or without Daenerys to direct them, the Unsullied will continue to fight to liberate people – an ideal ending for freed slaves.

Why does the North have to remain independent?

It is a little strange that Sansa casually separates the north from the rest of the seven (now six) kingdoms, in keeping with the well-established independent trend of the north and the lords of Vale, the Riverlands, Casterly Rock, Storm's End, Reach, and Dorne do not have a word to say about their own status.

Honestly, there is no real reason for the North should gaining independence – all the more so as, for example, Dorne is a much more independent kingdom, which joined the Seven Kingdoms two centuries after Aegon conquered the others. Dorne has always had a much more independent mentality than the North, even though his rebellion against the Iron Throne has had much more air time on the show.

But it is certainly possible that the new Prince Dornish is weak and is looking for allies, or waiting for his time. Or that he just did not insist on independence until Sansa did it. And it can be argued that the North has gained independence by protecting all kingdoms from the threat of White Walkers.

Finally, Bran is still a Stark and may have just given the special privilege to his old home and his family for loyalty to the North and House Stark. Or he simply knows that he is not going to win against Sansa at this point. And he's probably aware that, like Jon Snow before her, she would be attacked in the North if she bent her knee in the direction of King's Landing. Giving independence to the North is the best way to maintain the stability of its authority, which the country desperately needs at this stage.

What is the problem with Dorne?

Oh, Dorne. The sub-plot the least loved by everyone, one that took hours on this series and finally went nowhere, but still feels strangely unresolved in the series. Even though the last seasons of Game of thrones Basically, the Martell House was completely killed and Varys simply mentioned in Season 8 that there was a new Prince of Dorne. And he presents himself in the final for the vote of the new leader! We never find out who exactly he is.

But given the way the viewers expressed their hatred for the Dornish series vacation, it never seemed too likely that we would get those answers anyway. Honestly, it's probably a good thing.

Where is Nymeria?

Nymeria is Arya's werewolf and, with Ghost, the only other Stark werewolf still alive. Throughout season 1, Arya returns Nymeria after the giant wolf bites Joffrey in the arm, then disappears for the next seasons. In season 7, Arya encounters a much larger Nymeria while heading north. The giant wolf is now leading a pack of regular wolves. Arya asks Nymeria to return to Winterfell with her and Nymeria … away. And this is the last time we see it or hear. In the end, however, it is likely that the non-importance of Nymeria was due to the same reason as that of Ghost: the CGI for werewolves was really, really very expensive.

What happened to the Qarth Warlocks?

Qarth Warlords were a group of magic users living in Qarth (hence his name) who clashed at Daenerys. (The warlocks wanted to kidnap Dany and his dragons, because the dragons reinforce the magic, another argument of the plot that the show seems to have largely forgotten.) Has Daenerys burned some of the Warlocks to the end of season 2. At the beginning of season 3, one of the Warlocks tries to murder him, and then … that's all. We never see nor hear more about the faction.

Where did the prophecies go?

Fans of books in particular know that there is a lot prophecies swirling around the Game of thrones world. Among these, the main idea is Azor Ahai, mythical figure of the religion of R'hllor, the Lord of light. Azor Ahai has already brandished a magic fire sword called Lightbringer and saved the world from darkness. Much has been said about who in the series would realize the Azor Ahai revival prophecy – everyone from Dany to Jon to Ser Pounce has been considered at this stage.

The idea of ​​Azor Ahai was never accepted in the TV series, although the show defines most of the mythology surrounding the Lord of Light, with his priestess Melisandra and his servant Stannis, and the war against the White Walkers – the real evil Fight the fire of the Lord of the Light. But the show never entails the plot of the Lord of Light apart from the sacrifice of his servant Beric to save Arya. The question remains open: was the Lord of light real? What was his plan?

Likewise, there is the prophecy around Cersei, which Maggie the Frog gave her, that she would have three children who would die and that "valonqar" – Valyrian for "little brother" – "should wrap her hands with your pallor ". white throat and smother the life of you. "This final part of Valonqar's prophecy has never been part of the series, despite all the theories of fans, but the authors of the series have used the whole configuration of prophecy.

And the prophecy explains Cersei's hatred for Tyrion: in the book, she thinks that he killed their mother, who died giving him birth, and that he is destined to kill Cersei as well. The prophecy also sets the tone for Jaime to potentially kill her instead, which would have allowed her to realize that she realized she was a terrible person. But the show does not work with this idea. Instead, Jaime is reconciled with Cersei, leaving his story with Tyrion unresolved and giving the siblings a rather mundane ending.

Is Ellaria Sand alive?

Probably not, since the last time we saw her in season 7, she was chained in the dungeons of Westeros. But Cersei has vowed to keep Ellaria alive, so she should suffer like Cersei because of Ellaria's actions, seeing her daughter die, helpless to stop her. Cersei is vindictive enough to keep Ellaria alive until season 8, but since most of the red dungeon has been reduced to ruins, thanks to King's attack on Landing by Drogon, it seems little likely to reappear.

Is Syrio Forel still alive?

Arya's water dance teacher, who first asked him to use a sword, has long been a fan favorite, largely thanks to the charismatic performance of Miltos Yerolemou and the iconic slogans of Syrio, still in the news. Last seen in the first season of Arya's defense against Lannister's soldiers, Syrio is supposed to have been dead for seasons. But his faceless lines and his impressive fighting skills prompted fans to hope he might have escaped his seemingly fatal duel. In addition, we were never showed a body. Unfortunately, his fate is probably sealed for years. As Syrio himself told us at the time, "The first sword of Bravos does not run".

What is Daario doing?

Daario Naharis was part of Mereen's subplot in the show. He ended up running the Second Sons mercenary company. He was one of Daenerys's fans and was part of his entourage when she ran the city. But when Daenerys leaves for Westeros at the end of the sixth season, she will leave Daario behind at Meereen alongside the Second Sons, and we have not seen her since. Given his importance to Daenerys and the large military force he commanded, it is possible that the show brought him back to war against Cersei, but it seems that Daario is still stuck in Mereen.

Where are the reeds?

Howland Reed is the Gray Water Lord, father of Jojen (RIP) and Meera Reed, who has traveled with Bran for a few seasons. Howland was a close friend of Ned Stark, as evidenced by the loyalty of his children, but he never appeared outside of flashbacks, despite the battle of the bastards (when the Starks' allies were in dire need) or the Battle of Winterfell (when all of humanity badly needed Allies.) Similarly, Meera has disappeared from the show since Bran's delivery to Winterfell and has not been shown since, despite the cataclysmic battles.

What were Robin Arryn and Edmure Tully doing all this time?

Did you remember that Robin Arryn is still the leader of the valley and the lord of the Arryn house? Or that he is the lord and heir of Riverrun? Game of thrones done, and he brought them both back for the final, as part of the Lords' Council voting in King Bran.

Robin was last seen in Season 6, sending the Knights of Northern Vale to help Sansa (and Jon) fight Ramsay Bolton during the bastards battle, but he has not shown himself since. Similarly, we heard about Edmure for the last time as a prisoner of Walder Frey a few seasons ago. But apparently, both have survived and are now recognized as lords of their homes.

What made what happens when Tyrion brings a bee's nest and a moron to a brothel?

Three times now in Game of thrones Tyrion has tried to tell a joke about the time he once brought a jerk and a honeycomb to a brothel, but he's still cut off from what's going on. Will the world never know how this story came out?


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