"All in the family": Jamie Foxx Flubs Line as George Jefferson – VIDEO


We knew that someone would do some nonsense during the live re-enactment of All in the family… We just did not think it would be an Oscar.

Jamie Foxx, who donned Sherman Helmsley's dance shoes to play the iconic George Jefferson on Wednesday night. Live in front of a studio audience special, was the first to flick through a line during the live broadcast in prime time. While George de Foxx was talking to Anthony Anderson's Uncle Henry, he was supposed to say, "Since I was a little boy, I always beg my mother to offer him a little brother – but you know, we we were broke, so all we could was you. "

But Foxx stumbled on the line, stammering several times on the final sentence, before turning to the other members of the cast and say, "It's live! Everyone is sitting at home, thinking that their television has just crashed. The crowd exclaimed and members of his team burst out laughing as Foxx took a moment to pull himself together and get back on track.

Foxx was joined in the special – a live performance of the classic episodes of All in the family and The Jefferson – Woody Harrelson in Archie Bunker, Marisa Tomei in Edith Bunker, Wanda Sykes in Weezy Jefferson, Ellie Kemper in Gloria Stivic and Ike Barinholtz in Mike "Meathead" Stivic. (Read our complete summary of the All in the family episode here.)

Watch the video of the error below, then tap the comments to give your opinion on the live special:


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