All that happened at the very, very … very discreet event E3 2019 EA Play of E3


Or all that did not happen: which was a lot

Fortunately, we do not have a billion live conferences at E3 this year, with the withdrawal of Sony and EA. I mean, of course, it's nice to laugh from time to time with gaffes and very low-energy theater animators who seem to want to be somewhere else, but it's really very frustrating to see the same sad story easily avoidable beating again and again.

EA Play was not filled with these blunders. But when the main event for the outward-oriented (and wet) flow is a very good look at Star Wars: Jedi Fallen OrderAssociated with no new surprise or exciting revelation, you know that understated is the perfect way to describe it. Apart from Star wars, Respawn promised a season two bigger and better for Apex Legends (arriving in early July), Battfield V We receive a free set of new cards later this year (in addition to our first look at the Pacific Front), and we have received updates from FIFA and Madden teams.

And then there is The Sims. The Sims 4 launched in 2014 but you really would not know? Downloadable content and extensions are coming at a rapid pace, with about four to eight drops in content per year. 2019 slows a bit with just two updates (the Lunar New Year in February and the freelancer careers in April), but further progress is coming with the Island life pack soon and the Kingdom of magic later this fall.

So, it's EA Play! Welcome to the E3 2019. The bar is now set to "existing".

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