all we know about Meghan and Harry's baby


TThe Duke was at his wife 's side at the time of the birth and he later confessed that he had only slept a few hours, suggesting that Meghan had spent a good part of the night in the night. delivery.

The little boy was born at 5:26.

What has the reaction been so far?

The crowd gathered in front of Windsor Castle Monday afternoon to wish the couple good luck.

Meanwhile, in London, hundreds of spectators watched from outside the doors of Buckingham Palace the unveiling of the bulletin announcing the birth of the son of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The framed message was placed in the esplanade of the palace to read it.

Thomas Markle, the father separated from the duchess, has already made his wishes.

"We are proud that my new grandson was born into the British royal family," said Markle, former director of TV lighting, and I am confident that he will grow up serving the Crown and the British with grace and honor. "

The Queen and Philip, Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge would be delighted with this news.

Doria Ragland, the Duchess' mother, who was with the couple on Monday and would probably be staying with them, was also delighted with the arrival of her first grandson.


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