Altoona K-9 travels to southern Wisconsin to surprise a girl with a brain tumor


A 7-year-old Wisconsin girl battling a brain tumor was supported by some local K-9 officers this weekend.

More than 30 K-9 officers and their partners in southeastern Wisconsin stopped at the home of 7-year-old Emma Mertens to surprise her.
Emma is suffering from an inoperable tumor. She loves dogs. The K-9s were therefore a welcome sign of support. A friend of the family also asked people to send him letters and photos of puppies.

Emma has since received hundreds of thousands of letters and photos from around the world.

"She was pretty surprised, we were at home with her when the cars rolled and I think her eyes were like saucers, so I think she was happy to see the officers and dogs here" , said West Allis Police Sergeant Rick Orlowski.

And a police officer Altoona and K-9 were among Emma's visitors. Officer Helstern and K-9 Max helped surprise her! The ministry posted this photo on Facebook and said, "Thank you to everyone who participated and for bringing a smile to this little girl's face!"


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