Alyssa Milano speaks at pro-choice rally, says Supreme Court is “full of aggressors”


Charming star Alyssa Milano has embarked on a furious tirade against the “abusers” who she says make up the United States Supreme Court in a pro-choice rally.

Speaking in Los Angeles on Saturday, the activist actress went wild: “I’m tired.

“I am tired as a woman. I’m so sick of having to continually prove that my body is mine … I’m so sick of having a say in my own reproductive health.

“And I’m really sick of someone else having a say.

I’m so tired that Greg Abbott, Brian Kemp and Ron DeSantis and the fucking King Brett Kavanaugh have just one word to say about someone’s womb.

“Brett Kavanaugh has nothing to do with my reproductive rights.

“I can’t believe how fucked up America is right now.

“And I can’t believe that a handful of men manage to take 50 years of women’s rights away,” she added.

And how a Supreme Court full of abusers is going to just sit back and let it all happen.

Milano did not directly accuse any of the men she mentioned of abuse. But Kavanaugh has been accused of sexually assaulting his college girlfriend Christine Blasey Ford after being appointed by former President Donald Trump in 2018.

He was questioned about the allegations in a fiery confirmation hearing in September 2018, denied them, and was later confirmed as a Supreme Court judge by a Senate vote.

Another Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas, was also charged with sexually harassing Anita Hill during her confirmation hearing in 1992, but refuted those claims and was also upheld.

Milano also criticized male Republican governors such as Brian Kemp of Georgia, Ron DeSantis of Florida and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, whose new abortion bill sparked protest in the first place.

The actress was one of many celebrities who attended the rally among thousands of other men and women in defiance of Texas’ new abortion law.

Texas’ abortion law sparked a storm of controversy after Abbott signed the bill banning the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy, including rape and incest cases.

Actress and activist Alyssa Milano spoke at a pro-choice rally in Los Angeles on Saturday in response to Texas abortion law

Texas' abortion law was signed by state governor Greg Abbott, who banned the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy, including rape and abortion cases.

Texas’ abortion law was signed by state governor Greg Abbott, who banned the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy, including rape and abortion cases.

Milano explained in her speech how great she was

Milano explained in her speech how “tired” she was of men who deny women reproductive rights and criticized the Supreme Court as “full of aggressors”

Deputy Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was charged with sexual misconduct in 2018 after it was revealed he allegedly attempted to rape Christine Blasey Ford in the early 1980s

Milano has been outspoken in several other political events, including the Defund the Police movement.

Milano has been outspoken in several other political events, including the Defund the Police movement.

She then asked the men in the crowd to raise their fists in solidarity with the women present at the event and asked what they were going to do to be an ally.

“You have to act and keep acting until everything is settled,” Milano told them.

“Use your privilege to destroy your own privilege. “

“It is time for the President and leaders of Congress to enact the equal rights amendment. They have to fucking do it now.

She then sang “My Body, My Choice” to those who oppress women’s reproductive rights.

“This is the most dangerous time to be a woman in America,” she said.

Milano has been outspoken about several other political movements in the past, including the Defund the Police movement.

She was branded a hypocrite after it was revealed she called the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office about a possible gunman who was in her area in September 2020.

The call sparked a response that included seven vehicles from the Ventura County Sheriff, a K-9 unit, a police helicopter and a team from the Los Angeles Fire Department that sat on the street waiting.

The shooter, however, turned out to be a neighborhood teenager shooting squirrels with an air pistol.

Milan pictured with Gloria Allred (left), Paxton Smith (center right) and Christine Lahti (right)

Milan pictured with Gloria Allred (left), Paxton Smith (center right) and Christine Lahti (right)

Milano then defended her position on The View and insisted she was not a hypocrite.

“By the way, there was a reason to call the police at that time and I think what we are facing right now is the need for an almost radical reconstruction of society,” said Milano.

“I have used the hashtag #DefundthePolice before and want to be very clear on what that means. This means that we have to take funds, which by the way are funded very heavily – they are basically militarized at this point – and we We need to take some of that money and put it in communities of color to eat away at, at the very least, to eliminate racism and systemic inequalities.

“So in my opinion, calling my home was exactly the type of situation that police officers are trained for and should respond to.

“And, of course, I will always support the arrival of the police and making communities safer, but what we would also like to see is that equally trained non-police professionals respond to things like drug addiction and drug abuse issues. mental health and nonviolent events so these brave police officers can do the job they do so well, that they have demonstrated here.

The pro-choice LA rally was among hundreds that took place across the country, including a march that took place in DC.

Actresses such as Rosanna and Patricia Arquette, Debbie Allen, Christine Lahti Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence and Raven-Symone were also present at the event.

Hundreds of other pro-choice rallies were held across the country over the weekend.  The March for Reproductive Justice (pictured) in New York on Saturday.

Hundreds of other pro-choice rallies were held across the country over the weekend. The March for Reproductive Justice (pictured) in New York on Saturday.

Debbie Allen and her granddaughter Shiloh Williams at the Women's March Action event

Debbie Allen and her granddaughter Shiloh Williams at the Women’s March Action event

Rosanna Arquette also spoke at the pro-choice rally

Rosanna Arquette also spoke at the pro-choice rally


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