Amal Clooney promises George she will never ‘do’ that in marriage again


All marriages need work, even a powerful couple Amal and George clooney.

Although the parents of two seem to have it all figured out, Amal has revealed the one thing she promises to never do again for “the sake of our marriage.”

The lawyer spoke Wednesday, December 16 for the launch of the virtual book of her legal text of 1000 pages The right to a fair trial in international law, which she published with a colleague professor Philippa webb.

The conversation turned to the hard work it took for scholars to write the book, and Amal vowed that she would never support her husband again.

“I also want to end by thanking my husband, George. I know this process has seemed like a long time to come, especially since I was always so sure this was ‘the very last writing session’ over and over again.” , she said during the interview with the International Bar Association and Oxford University Press, according to Entertainment tonight.


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