Amanda Knox Says Matt Damon Stillwater Film “Rips Out” and Distorts Its Story | Movie


Amanda Knox accused actor Matt Damon and director Tom McCarthy of “rip[ping] of my story without my consent at the expense of my reputation ”in the upcoming film Stillwater, which McCarthy says was inspired by Knox’s experience after the 2007 murder of British college student Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy.

In an essay on the online publishing platform Medium, Knox is particularly targeting McCarthy, who told Vanity Fair that Stillwater was directly inspired by the Kercher case, which resulted in Knox’s wrongful conviction for the murder of Kercher with her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, and spent four years in prison, before being finally acquitted in 2015 by the Supreme Court of Cassation of Italy. Rudy Guede, who was sentenced to 16 years in prison in 2008, is the only person convicted of Kercher’s murder.

Stillwater, which premiered at the Cannes film festival in July, stars Damon as an American construction worker who travels to Marseille in France after his daughter (played by Abigail Breslin) was jailed for the murder of her lover.

In his essay, Knox says that even though McCarthy based Breslin’s character on her, he “fictitious” the character in a way that makes her look like a crime participant, including having sex with the victim and asking to the killer to “get rid” of the lover.

Fictional take… Tom McCarthy, right, directs Matt Damon and Abigail Breslin on the set of Stillwater.
Fictional take… Tom McCarthy, right, directs Matt Damon and Abigail Breslin on the set of Stillwater. Photograph: Jessica Forde / AP

Knox writes, “How do you think this affects my reputation? I continue to be accused of “knowing something that I do not disclose”, of “having been involved in some way or another, even though I did not plunge the knife”. So the fictionalized version of me by Tom McCarthy is just the most culpable version of my tabloid plot. “

Knox adds: “By imagining my innocence, my complete lack of involvement, by erasing the role of authorities in my wrongful conviction, McCarthy reinforces an image of me as a guilty and untrustworthy person.

Accepting that the filmmakers weren’t obligated to consult her, she says the inability to understand her point of view resulted in “others continue.[ing] distort my character ”.

“I have been stalked by paparazzi, my story and my trauma have been (and are) endlessly recycled for entertainment, and in the process, I have been accused of distracting from Meredith Kercher’s memory, to be a media whore. “

The Guardian has contacted representatives for McCarthy for comment.


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