Amanda Seyfried Apologizes for Influencing Bikini Photo


As quickly as Amanda Seyfried began an Instagram feud with an influential, actress "Mamma Mia" backpedaled and apologized for having done so.

Seyfried apologized to Arielle Charnas, also known to her supporters, Something Navy, after the influencer posted a bikini photo earlier this week, saying, "Proud of my body after two kids."

The actress, who did not name Charnas when he developed the photo and the caption, also did not name the influential person in his apology.

Seyfried addressed the message "to anyone who feels intimidated or scrawny during our recent social media discussion," and said it's not like she likes to intimidate anyone else. Although she apologized for the way she had started the "debate" with Charnas, which she described as "semi-influential" in her original post.

"I would have desperately wished that he did not target (or joke) a person (MANY people who get into this questionable message) and that he started a cleaner conversation." and more general, "wrote the 33-year-old. "Nobody needs to tear anyone up. And I regret that he is present at this moment. To the lady in question: I'm sorry for the really negative feeling you endured because of this. "

After being excused, Seyfried always thought that there was a good side to the quarrel.

Seyfriend (L) and Charnas (R). & Nbsp;

Seyfriend (L) and Charnas (D).

"Aside from the messy detour? The most important message seems to filter and help many women feel supported, "she wrote. "And that's the name of the game."

Some of Charnas's supporters have always felt that Seyfried was still a naughty girl in his excuses.

"[Arielle] she did not pretend to use lean tea, she did not tell anyone that she should look like him, she simply stated that as a mother and a WOMAN, she is proud of his body giving birth to two beautiful children, "commented a commentator on Seyfried's apology. to post. "Now, for some reason, your condescending friend and yourself have decided to shame you and attack him."

The disciple added, "Even this post itself is a huge half excited" apology. "So much for the empowerment of women.

The war of words started earlier this week when Seyfried's friend called Charnas for her post-partum bikini photo and she was not doing enough to acknowledge her privilege. Seyfried later republished the comments of her friend on Instagram and also on that of Charnas.

"If we are ready to be paid to display our lifestyle (and inspire some in the meantime), we need to be open to discussions about what we are promoting," wrote Seyfried, adding that Charnas had blocked her friend and her friend.

"If you know who you are, take a second to decide if what you are throwing is worth it – all in all," added the actress.

Charnas replied in an expired Instagram post since she felt "intimidated" and "punished because I'm skinny". She has not commented on Seyfried's latest update yet.


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