Amaru and Goyo unveiled by the operators of the Rainbow Six Siege Ember building


During the major Raleigh Invitational competition for Rainbow Six Siege, Ubisoft revealed a game sequence for new game operators Ember Rise, Amaru and Goyo. Both operators had already leaked, as has become almost usual for Siege at this point, but the announcement of Ubisoft revealed some additional details that were not known before.

Amaru is an attack operator armed with a grapple that allows him to drill quickly through windows that are hard to reach by others or climb through ceiling panels that no other operator can access. Its hook has only four uses and there is a cooldown after it is triggered. It is therefore better to use it for reenactment defenders or flanks, so as not to escape ambushes.

Goyo is a defense operator who can place a single portable shield trapped by a Volcano charge. Destroying the shield causes it to explode and ignite the ground, causing heavy damage to any operator in the immediate vicinity.

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What do these two words mean for the seat?

A lot in fact. Many Amaru and Goyo both recognize parts of the seat that have long been ignored or left out. We will obviously have to get hold of the new operators and see how the base of players uses their gadgets, but both will probably force the creation of new strategies – especially Amaru.

Defenders have never had good reason to reinforce floorboards, as the attacks usually only involved doors, walls or ceilings. Ash or Hibana could destroy the floor boards from below with their gadgets, Breaching Rounds and X-KAIROS, respectively, and any attacker could use a well-placed shotgun or grenade. However, each former attacker had to wait until a defender went to the created hole or threw grenades and hoped that one of Jäger's active defense systems was not nearby. Amaru's ability to go back through these panels adds a threat that may be important enough to change the way defenders think. At the very least, sacrificing a reinforcement barrier to close a floor board means one less barrier to supporting a wall or ceiling. Defenders will have to learn to be creative by doing everything they have had to do before, but with fewer resources.

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Which is not to say that defenders are left behind, as Goyo's gadget seems to be one of the deadliest traps Siege has ever included. For too long, the attackers were content to hustle the defenders' defensive shields or crush them. Frost eventually changed that, although the patches made it less effective against this threat. However, as with Frost 's Welcome Mat, Goyo' s Volcano is likely to make attackers think before simply flying over a deployable shield – all the more so as Kapkan can trap the Volcano charge with his refusal device. Entrance. While the attackers knew how Kapkan could place his traps, his value declined, so the addition of Goyo to Siege might be what the Russian operator needs to become a valid choice again. Goyo also acts as a trapper worthy of the name because breaking or pulling on Goyo's gadget does not eliminate the obstacle either. it simply activates the flames of the Volcano early and creates a throttling point that the attackers must then deal with. Since the flames also extend in all directions, the Goyo trap can also be used for offensive purposes against attackers – a type of gadget that defenders absolutely need more. At the very least, Goyo will help defenders take control of a round by forcing an enemy team to slow down and not rush.


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