Amash accuses Barr of deliberately distorting Mueller's report to protect Trump


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), Who recently tweeted his opinion that the Mueller report showed that President Trump had obstructed justice, arrives for a hearing of the House Watch Committee last week. (Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)

US Rep. Justin Amash, the only Republican Congressman to call for the removal of President Trump, spoke to Attorney General William P. Barr on Tuesday, saying he deliberately misrepresented key aspects of the report. Special advocate Robert S. Mueller III false story about the investigation. "

In more than two dozen tweets, Amash (Mich.) Detailed many objections to the way Barr had handled Mueller's report on Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, starting with a memorandum addressed to Congress at the end of March, summarizing Mueller's key findings. not to bring charges against Trump for obstructing justice.

"Until now, Barr has successfully used his position to sell to the American people the false narrative of the president," Amash said in the latest tweet of his thread. "It will continue if those who read the report do not start repelling false statements and sharing the truth."

The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Amash's tweets were released just hours before his first town hall meeting in his Michigan district, since he said on May 18 that Trump had "engaged in impenetrable driving" and had become a pariah among his GOP colleagues.

Amash is already facing two major challengers, and one of them, the state's representative, Jim Lower, told The Washington Post that he had raised $ 60,000 at during his first eight days of candidacy. In an interview, Lower said that he had not read Mueller's report but agreed with the assessment of most Republicans that he was putting an end to the questions on the Trump's behavior.

"It is clear that the congressman will try to justify his impeachment position to the district tonight," Lower said in a text message. "I do not expect it to be well received by Republican primary voters.These voters do not want the President to be removed and disagree with the Congressman's conclusion." from this primary campaign, I will be the voice of these voters! "

Amash's first tweets about the impeachment drew Trump's wrath, who said last week that the congressman "was a loser for a long time". In private, Trump has been screaming between associates about Michigan lawmakers, according to officials who spoke under the guise of anonymity. to discuss private conversations.

Amash, 39, has long been very comfortable with his party, citing his libertarian principles when he routinely opposes votes by GOP leaders, ranging from bills to bills. current approval of the daily newspaper House.

Last week, the wealthy DeVos family said through a spokesperson that she was removing any financial aid to Amash. The Michigan-based family, who made a fortune with Amway, decided to stop making donations to Amash before his latest comments on the president, said DeVos family spokesman Nick Wasmiller in a statement.

"Family members have expressed growing concern over the lack of representation of their district, the Third Congress, and I would say my inability to advance efforts on important political issues," he said.

In his tweets Tuesday, Amash challenged Barr's reasons for not accusing Trump of charges of impeding security before the release of the Mueller report.

"Mueller's report says that he chose not to decide if Trump broke the law because there is a [Department of Justice] the view that accusing a sitting president is unconstitutional and due to concerns about the impact on the president's ability to govern and to prevent a possible indictment, " Amash writes.

"Barr's letter does not mention these issues when it explains why Mueller chose not to make a prosecution decision," he continued. "Instead, he selectively quotes Mueller in a way that suggests – falsely – that Mueller's decision stemmed from legal / factual issues specific to Trump's actions, but, in fact, Mueller finds considerable evidence that many Trump actions detailed in the report encounter elements of hindrance. "

Amash also challenged Barr's statement at a subsequent press conference that Mueller had found "no collusion" between Trump's campaign and Russia. Barr hinted that the investigation was "unfounded," Amash wrote.

"In truth, Mueller's report describes contacts between members of the Trump campaign and people belonging to or connected with the Russian government," Amash wrote. "It is wrong to suggest that the fact that Mueller chose to indict anyone for that means that there was no need to investigate to find out if he was in charge. it was a crime or "collusion", or if it was part of Russia's efforts to help Trump's candidacy. "


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