Amazon officially buys Eero while promising to keep private user data


Amazon has formally concluded its wireless mesh router manufacturer purchase contract Eero for an undisclosed amount, both companies announced today. In the same move, both companies promise to keep the network's user data confidential and that Eero will run autonomously within Amazon.

Talk with The edge Prior to the announcement, Amazon's senior vice president of devices and services, Dave Limp, said, "We do not change a word" of Eero's privacy policy.

If you remember, Amazon announced its purchase of Eero at the beginning of February. Since this announcement, social media has raised concerns about privacy.

Eero CEO Nick Weaver has doubled his position in favor of protecting the privacy of The Verge and in a blog post published to coincide with the purchase announcement.

"On the contrary, we will simply reinforce our commitment to privacy and security," Weaver told The Verge. "We have fairly clear privacy principles that we have used to develop all of our products, which are really the foundation of everything. Those are not going to change. "

If you have to make all these promises from the start …

The fact that the first problem that Eero and Amazon are facing with this acquisition is the protection of privacy is not the best aspect for both parties to this agreement.

Amazon's purchase comes at a time when companies such as Google and itself are increasingly being monitored to determine how much they are allowed in our privacy through their various devices and services.

Conversely, this deal could not be better planned considering the ambitions of Amazon's smart home, with the need for a powerful and scalable Wi-Fi technology to support a network of connected home devices that will only grow.

Weaver, meanwhile, claims to respect the severity of this decision: "People are inviting us to go home," Weaver told The Verge. "I take it very seriously."

This message is echoed in his blog post and is much more detailed on how Eero will continue to commit to user privacy. Will it be enough to convince current Eero users to stay less anxious? We will see if $ 100 discount offered by Amazon on Eero systems in the United States will help with that.


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