Amazon opens her multiple responses program Alexa Answers to everyone


Amazon Expands Alexa Answers Multiple Response Program – Allows Alex Users to Add Answers to Questions That Alexa Does Not Know – to Everyone Today, After an Initial Beta Release of the Invitational Only System Launched in December .

Users will be able to filter questions by categories, such as "most frequently asked questions", "most recent questions" or general topics, such as science or geography, and then submit the answer (assuming that they are the most frequently asked questions). they know it). Amazon is also looking to gamify the system. Users will earn points when Alexa uses their answer and they will be able to compete in the leaderboards to provide the most useful answers. You will also know how often Alexa uses your question.

The main concern is the verification of the facts. Amazon does not seem to have an official system to confirm that the replies submitted are correct. Alexa users will be able to give answers in the form of thumbs up or down when they will receive the response submitted by the user, as well as a rating system. to the Amazon-like star that exists on the Alexa Answers website, but which relies entirely on evaluation of the customers themselves. Users can also report the answers they deem incorrect, but beyond that, the entire configuration seems to depend on the system of honors.

In addition, if multiple answers are given, Amazon indicates that Alexa can alternate between responses until she gets enough feedback to determine which one is most useful, which appears to be a poor substitute for determining which one is the most appropriate. is correct.

However, filling the knowledge gaps of smart assistants is a key element to make them smarter and to entice your customers to give their time to do it for free (instead, for example, to have secretly paid contractors to listen to the recordings) is not the worst way to accomplish this task.


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