Amazon reportedly built an Alexa ‘command center’ that mounts on the wall


Amazon is developing a thin Echo device that users can mount on their walls and use it as a “smart home command center,” according to a report in Bloomberg. The device could come with a 10 or 13 inch touchscreen and be able to control smart home devices, play music and videos, and video chat through a built-in camera. Naturally, it is also said to include Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant.

Wall-mounting a display device could give homeowners more options for where to place it in the home, rather than having to find empty space on a table or desk. Amazon has experimented with Echo wall-mounted devices before, such as with its Amazon Echo wall clocks, and it is also possible to wall-mount other Echo devices using third-party accessories. But none of its previous Echo Shows were specifically designed for wall mounting. Bloomberg says he’s much thinner as a result.

According to Bloomberg, the unannounced device could cost between $ 200 and $ 250 and release in late 2021 or 2022 (although the report contains the usual warning that plans are subject to change and the device could be canceled). It is designed by Amazon’s Lab126 hardware division and can be offered in several variations with different screen sizes. The rumored product joins another Alexa device that is also said to be in development at Amazon, a sleep tracker equipped with radar, designed to sit on a bedside table and detect your breathing.

When contacted for comment, an Amazon spokesperson said the company was not commenting on the rumors or speculation.

Update February 9, 9:12 a.m. ET: Updated with Amazon’s response.


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