AMD on PS5: "We are very excited about the future generation of Playstation"


It has already been confirmed that the PS5, or that Sony is calling its next-generation console, will be powered by a custom graphics card based on the AMD Navi architecture. And now, AMD has begun to open up on this new partnership.

S addressing CNBC 's Jim Cramer for Mad Money, Lisa Su, AMD' s CEO, said that the year 2019 was going to be a "big year" for the company. Although AMD works on many products, it is particularly "proud" to work with him. PlayStation will deliver the PS5 – which has not been reported yet until May 2020 at the earliest.

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"We are very honored and proud to be part of Sony's next generation PlayStation," said Su. "This partnership has been really long-term with them, we love games, we think the game is a very good growth market, and what we've done with Sony is really something of an architect for them. application, for their special sauce, "she continued." This is a great honor for us and we are really excited about what the next generation of PlayStation will do. "

Special sauce huh? While reading the lines a bit, it seems that AMD is confident that its new custom chipset will give everything the PS5 games will give as a boost compared to what we are currently seeing with the best PS4 games.

Until now, Sony has confirmed that the goal of the PS5 was to move to the 8K game, offering significantly faster load times (up to 18 times faster than the PS4) and offering backward compatibility with the PS4.

However, although it seems likely that a May PlayStation event is expected, Sony has already ruled out of the games list of the E3 2019, which means that if a live state of play stream does not happen, it's possible we're in a moment. from one wait for more official news.

What we will certainly hear more at E3 is the response of the Xbox to the PS5 – currently called Xbox Project Scarlett, or its flagship console Anaconda. Exciting moments indeed!

For now, why not consult all upcoming PS4 games for 2019 and beyond, and watch our video for best exclusive PS4 games below:


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