American Airlines chooses a dog rather than an allergic black man


(Photo by Scott Olson / Getty Images)

I do not fly American Airlines unless I have to. And by "absolutely necessary", I mean that my company buys me a ticket on American and is willing to resist complaining about my (free) ticket for a week while veiled threatening to file a complaint for hostile work environment. American Airlines is not good for blacks, says NAACP. Air travel, in general, is not good for people, but if you can not distinguish between the experiences of black passengers and white passengers, you are an apologist for racism. And if you can not distinguish between US airlines and other airlines – which are also void – then you are one of those idiots "the two parts are identical".

Yes, things are bad for everyone, everywhere, but it's American worst. The last proof of this comes from Dana Holcomb. Holcomb is a black man who was trying to fly first class from Las Vegas to Austin. The flight had a stopover in Phoenix. A woman hears and sits beside him with a "emotional support" pocket dog. Holcomb is allergic to dogs. And then American did his thing. From RawStory:

Admitting that he was [allergic to her dog], he said, the woman tried to find another seat but could not be accommodated, which led to flight attendants, then to a pilot to intervene, asking him to move to another seat at the back of the plane.

According to Holcomb, the flight attendant, "began to be really angry because he insisted I go to that seat."

Holcomb's lawyer, Reginald McKamie Sr., explained the complaint he had filed against the airline on behalf of his client: "At that time, the workers told him that you were going to go to the back of the plane or get off the plane. "

Holcomb was removed from the robbery, which allowed him not to take off his bags. His bags included his medication. He had to spend the night in Phoenix. American Airlines says, in a statement, that Holcomb was removed because it became "conflictual".

I am mildly allergic to cats. Not as allergic as Holcomb seems to be for dogs. If a cat was sitting next to me, my flight would be bad, but I probably would not do everything. UNTIL THEY'RE MADE TO RISE AT THE ARRIVAL OF THE PLANE. It's about when I lose my mind always in love. I have a ticket in first class and you will tell me, but not the woman with the animal, to go to the back of the plane? No, my son. I get a "conflicting" AF when I have to remind people of Google Rosa Parks.

Holcomb plans to sue American for racial discrimination. I know that whites read this and think "it could happen to anyone, why do you have to introduce race?" First of all, I hate you, know it. But the central point of discrimination is not the fact that Americans choose dogs rather than people, it is to send a black man away from a plane because he refused to be treated worse than a dog.

Holcomb said that the woman had ended up finding another passenger willing to change places with her, but that he had been fired from the plane anyway, as well as from the airport, by American and that he was accused of being "confrontational".

C & # 39; which does not happen to whites. The situation is resolved by itself. The woman (and although I'm not aboard with the proliferation of emotionally supportive animals, the woman in this story seems generally flawless) has found another seat. The storm has been repressed. But the American STILL fired Holcomb from the plane and the airport. Why? Did he do anything that needs to be charged? Obviously not. No, they expelled him because they did not like his "attitude". They decided to humiliate him, because he refused to be moved to the back of the plane like a damn piece of furniture.

The lesson, as always: do not fly American. If it's cheaper, the savings are not profitable. If it's faster, it's not worth saving time. It is the largest airline in the world and, therefore, hard to avoid. It is almost impossible to fly in or through Dallas, Charlotte, Miami or Phoenix without them. But it's always worth trying. Make American your last resort airline, and if you are black, be sure to wear a body camera if you are taking one of their flights. You'll thank me later.

American Airlines has started an allergic man from the plane so his dog can fly first class: trial [Raw Story]

Elie Mystal is the editor of Above the Law and a contributor to The Nation. It can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter or at [email protected]. He will resist.


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