American Airlines reduces baggage fees for some sports and music equipment



    An American Airlines symbol is displayed on the side of a luggage cart at LaGuardia Airport in New York in 2011. According to American Airlines, the cost of checking sports equipment and instruments for oversized music is reduced.

FORT WORTH (Texas) >> American Airlines says it reduces the cost of checking sports gear and oversized musical instruments during flights.

American said today that it has eliminated the oversized overspending of these items and charged normal, lower fees.

Before the change, a passenger who checked a big item like a surfboard or snowboard on a domestic flight would pay $ 150.

The airline says it will now cost $ 30, the fees for checking in a baggage.

Travelers will still have to pay $ 150 for certain items, including wood and scuba tanks. Additional fees also apply to gear weighing more than 50 pounds.

American says his fees have been changed after hearing from customers and employees.


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