American, Delta and United Airlines have just begged President Trump to do something very important to them. (Did he ask that bright or crazy?)


It is rare for the CEOs of American, Delta and United Airlines to hear well.

But this week, they teamed up amazingly for one purpose: ask – no, beg is more accurate – for President Trump to take a specific action on their behalf.

We will explore what they ask below. But honestly, the way they asked for it is probably more important.

Because anyone who advised airlines on how to push Trump buttons like this one did one of the following two things:

  • either they came up with a really brilliant strategy,
  • Or, they were half too cute, and they risked creating exactly the kind of reaction the airlines do not want.

Here's what the airlines are asking for, the fascinating way they've decided to ask – and frankly, the obvious thing that would improve the situation for them.

Open sky

To sum up the whole problem in one sentence: US airlines want Trump to repress Air Italy and prevent it from adding many non-stop flights between the United States and Europe.

They are so focused on this issue because Air Italy is 49% owned by Qatar Airways, which means that Qatar Airways has also broken an agreement with the US government since last year.

It becomes a bit complex. But Gary Leff to View from the wing, who has been looking at this for years, says it's up to American airlines who do not want to compete more than they have to do with foreign airlines:

American airlines do not want to compete with Air Italy … do not want to compete with anyone, and there is always a chance to talk to the administration and complain about strangers. Today, the CEOs of Delta, United and American have published a full page asking President Trump to do something that would limit consumer choices and raise prices.

But we are ahead of ourselves.

'Dear President Trump & # 39;

In fact, the three airlines wrote a letter to President Trump and then pulled out an entire page in the New York Times and the New York Post to try to do it in front of him, signed respectfully by Doug Parker, Edward Bastian and Oscar Munoz – the CEOs of American, Delta and United.

Just read the first few lines to understand why it's so brilliant:

President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump,

Your administration was built on the persistent principle that the US government will defend American workers against foreign governments that break their trade agreements with our country. The American people are grateful for this promise.

Today, American airline workers rely on you to defend their interests.

Stop hurting the "American workers"

Seriously, how is it? They write a short 70-word letter. All they have done is flatter President Trump and resonate on a bunch of notes on the theme "Make America Great Again".

This continues from there, exposing their arguments. It should be noted that not all US airlines are dissatisfied with the situation. JetBlue and FedEx have recently written in his favor.

But the letter to Trump hits all the chords:

  • telling him that Qatar Airways is violating a "historic agreement" negotiated by the Trump administration;
  • by asking him not to come to the rescue of the airlines themselves, but to ensure that Qatar Airways "stops hurting American workers";
  • stating that the situation "poses a serious threat to US jobs and the health of the airline industry";
  • "We appreciate your determination to apply the principles of fair trade and we ask you to continue to represent the interests of more than 1.2 million US workers whose jobs depend on a strong and dynamic passenger airline industry. . "

I do not know if it works. I'm not sure that President Trump even reads the New York Times (also known as an "enemy of the people" in a tweet within 24 hours of the publication of the letter?

True, they also published in the New York Post, which more closely matches the speed of the president. But if you want to make sure that President Trump sees a message – would not you skip the Timeand you have just posted a lot of news on Fox News?

We'll know soon when they decided to do it was incredibly brilliant – or just completely crazy.

It is rare that the CEOs of American, Delta and United Airlines agree.


But this week, they teamed up amazingly for one purpose: ask - no, beg& nbsp; is more specific: President Trump must take specific action on their behalf.


We will explore what they ask below. But honestly, the way they asked for it is probably more important.


Because anyone advised the airlines on how to push the buttons of Trump & apos; this way did one of two things:



  • either they came up with a really brilliant strategy,
  • t

  • Or, they were half too cute and they could create exactly the kind of reaction that airlines do not want.


Here's what the airlines are asking for, the fascinating way they've decided to ask - and frankly, the obvious thing that would improve the situation for them.


Open sky


To sum up the whole problem in one sentence: US airlines want Trump to repress Air Italy and prevent it from adding many non-stop flights between the United States and Europe.


They are so focused on this subject, because Air Italy is 49% owned by Qatar Airways, and they say that & nbsp; in turn means that Qatar Airways is violating an agreement with the US government since last year. & Nbsp; & nbsp;


It becomes a bit complex. But Gary Leff to View from the wingwho has been taking care of this for years, & nbsp; says that this goes to American airlines that do not want to compete more than they have to do with foreign airlines:


American airlines do not want to compete with Air Italy ... do not want to compete with anyone, and there is always a chance to talk to the administration and complain about strangers. Today, the CEOs of Delta, United and American have published a full page asking President Trump to do something that would limit consumer choices and raise prices.


But we are getting ahead of ourselves.


& Dear President Trump & apos;


In fact, the three airlines wrote a letter to President Trump and then pulled out an entire page in the New York Times and the New York Post to try to do it in front of him, signed respectfully by Doug Parker, Edward Bastian and Oscar Munoz - the CEOs of American, Delta and United.


Just read the first few lines to understand why it's so brilliant:


President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500


Dear President Trump,


Your administration was built on the persistent principle that the US government will defend American workers against foreign governments that break their trade agreements with our country. The American people are grateful for this promise.


Today, US airline employees rely on you to intervene on their behalf.


You can read the whole letter here (.Pdf).


Stop hurting & apos; American workers & apos;


Seriously, how is it? They have 70 words in a short letter, and all they have done is flatter President Trump and resound with notes making "Make America Great Again".


This continues from there, exposing their arguments. It should be noted that not all US airlines are dissatisfied with the situation. JetBlue and FedEx have recently written in his favor.


But the letter to Trump hits all the chords:



  • telling him that Qatar Airways is violating a "historic agreement" negotiated by the Trump administration;
  • t

  • by asking him not to come to the rescue of the airlines themselves, but to ensure that Qatar Airways "stops hurting American workers";
  • t

  • stating that the situation "poses a serious threat to US jobs and the health of the airline industry";
  • t

  • "We appreciate your determination to apply the principles of fair trade and we ask you to continue to represent the interests of more than 1.2 million US workers whose jobs depend on a strong and dynamic passenger airline industry. . "


I do not know if it works. I'm not sure that President Trump even reads the & nbsp;New York Times& nbsp; (aka "enemy of the people" in a tweet within 24 hours of the publication of the letter?


True, they also published in the New York Post, which is rather the speed of the president. But if you want to make sure that President Trump sees a message - do not skip the Timeand you have just posted a lot of news on Fox News?


We'll know soon if they decided to do it, it was incredibly brilliant - or just crazy.

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