American flags of 51 stars presented in Washington at the approach of the audience


AIn Washington, DC, preparing for a public hearing, the Mayor's office flanked the iconic Pennsylvania Avenue with 140 flags sporting an extra star.

The hearing, scheduled for Thursday, will be the first plenary hearing on a draft law relating to a district state since 1993. The bill provides for the city's admission to the United States "on a foot. equality with other states ".

Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser's staff raised the flags in the space between the White House and the Capitol before Monday's parade featuring veterans. The event page for the parade calls on Congress to "give full voting rights and representation to the 702,000 residents of DC, including 30,000 veterans."

"DC veterans have served and died for their country, but they lack congressional representation," said Bowser, 47.

Eleanor Holmes Norton, 82, does not have the right to vote in Congress, but the bill provides for the city to be allowed to authorize two voting senators and one congressman.

Norton and Bowser led the parade on buses that traveled Pennsylvania Avenue on Monday.

The hearing is scheduled for Thursday at 10 am EST before the House Oversight and Reform Committee.


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