America’s Got Talent’s Nightbirde Gives Up Due To Cancer


She doesn’t come down without a fight.

America has talent competitor Jane marczewski, which bears the stage name Night Bird during the execution, gave fans a sad update on August 2: “Sharing my heart with the world on AGT has been an honor and a dream come true,” she wrote on Instagram. “My perspective this summer has been astounding. What a miracle that the pain I have been through can be transformed into beauty that makes people all over the world open their eyes wider.”

The 30-year-old native of Ohio, who wowed the judges with her original song “It’s OK” in June, added: “Since hearing my hearing, my health has deteriorated and the fight against cancer demands everything. my energy and my attention. I am so sad to report that I will not be able to continue this AGT season. “

During his audition, Nightbirde, whose performance earned him a standing ovation and a judge Simon cowell‘s Golden Buzzer — revealed she had cancer of the lungs, spine and liver.


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