Among us it looks perfect like an old-fashioned Game Boy game


Among us has become nothing less than a pop culture sensation over the past several months, and much of the game’s appeal can be attributed to its old-fashioned art style. This approach would have looked quite comfortable on the original 8-bit Game Boy, which is probably what inspired Lumpy Touch on YouTube. A new video from the YouTuber imagines how Among us would have worked on the portable platform, from game graphics, down to the need for a link cable in order to play with multiple players. Video is definitely a must-have for Among us Fans!

Lumpy Touch’s video can be found embedded below.

It’s always impressive how video game fans can take something like this among us and reinterpret it on an older platform. The video above really looks like Among us, but it also manages to channel the heart of games released on the original Game Boy. According to Lumpy Touch, parts of the Game Boy game have been made playable, in order to make it as close to reality as possible. The video was made using GB Studio 2 and is mostly cutscenes, meaning if Lumpy Touch tried to do things outside of the script it wouldn’t play.

As fans come to celebrate the second anniversary of Among us, it wasn’t until earlier this year that the game really found true fidelity. Among us exploded in popularity after streamers discovered the game during the coronavirus pandemic and began streaming it on Twitch. Suddenly the game’s player base increased dramatically and developer InnerSloth worked hard to translate Among us in different languages ​​to keep up with the game’s worldwide popularity. The game even inspired Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to broadcast Among us on several occasions, recently raising over $ 200,000 for various charities.

It will be interesting to see whether or not Among us can keep up with the game’s current level of fame. However, as fans create these types of tributes, it is clear that the game has left a major impact on the video game industry.

Among us is currently available on iOS, Android and PC. You can check out all of our previous covers of the game here.

Are you a fan of Among us? What do you think of the Game Boy inspired video? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk about everything related to the game!


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