An 11-year-old girl is charged with child abuse after the death of a child she was supervising


Authorities arrested the girl after Paxton Davis' death on Thursday, following an assault that earned her multiple upper-body injuries while he was in her custody, the department said. Prince George County Police.

Preliminary investigation shows that Paxton was entrusted to family members of the 11-year-old at their home in Suitland, authorities said. The girl's mother left Paxton alone with her daughter briefly to run a race on Sunday morning, the police said. In the state of Maryland, you must be at least 13 years old to watch another child, police said.

Paxton died Thursday, four days after hospitalization, seriously injured his upper body.

"When hospital staff examined our one-year-old victim, he immediately called detectives for child abuse because of the severity of his injuries," said Major Brian Reilly, Prince George County Police, at a press conference. "It was clear from the start that the injuries suffered by Paxton were not compatible with the normal play of a 1 year old child."

The baby was under the "sole custody" of the 11-year-old girl when he was injured, Reilly said. He declined to say if the girl's mother was facing charges.

"We are still looking at a lot of different things," said Reilly. "I can not say yes, I can not say no."

Reilly refused to provide additional details about the baby's injuries, including whether the girl was using a weapon. He said that the motive is not clear.

"I do not know what the motive would be in such a situation for an 11-year-old to intentionally inflict injury on a 1-year-old," he said. "… there are no words, there is no reason for that to happen."

The 11-year-old is detained in a juvenile facility. Although the two families are not related, they have friendly relations and Paxton has already spent time at home, police said.

"It was an innocent friendly deal that turned into an absolute tragedy," said Reilly.


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