An 18-year-old Alabama Navy recruit collapses and dies while training


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By Associated press

MOBILE, Alabama – An 18-year-old Navy recruit living in Alabama died at a training camp in Illinois.

Kelsey Nobles, an 18-year-old Marine recruit.US Navy

Spokesman, Lt. Joseph W. Pfaff, said Kelsey Nobles, of Mobile, had died Tuesday after collapsing during a training at the Naval Recruit Training Center at Great Lakes, in Illinois.

Nobles' father, Harold, told WKRG-TV that doctors had told him of a heart attack. He says that she fainted after her fitness test. He says that she was taken to a civilian hospital where her death was declared.

Nobles describes his daughter as a young woman who was "the sweetest of souls" and who "had the biggest heart". He says that she was full of energy and would give anything to anyone, even her last dollar.

Pfaff says the navy is investigating. This is the second death in similar circumstances at training camp in recent months.


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