An actor of the Empire accused of making a false police report


Actor "Empire" Jussie Smollett was accused Wednesday of making a false police report when he said he was attacked in downtown Chicago by two men who had thrown racist and anti-gay insults and put a rope around his neck, the police said.

CHICAGO (AP) – Actor "Empire" Jussie Smollett was accused Wednesday of making a false police report when he said he had been attacked in downtown Vancouver. Chicago by two men who had launched racist and anti-gay insults and put a rope around his neck, police said. .

Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said prosecutors had accused Smollett of disorderly conduct, of an offense that could result in a prison term of one to three years and coercing the police. # 39; actor to pay the cost of the investigation on his report of beating on January 29th.

The authorities were trying to contact Smollett's lawyers to "negotiate a reasonable surrender," Guglielmi said. This could involve the actor, who is black and gay, to go to a Chicago police station.

The police had no time to give the actor.

"We are trying to be diplomatic and reasonable, and we hope that he will do the same," Guglielmi said.

The charges were pronounced on the same day that detectives and two brothers found to be suspects testified before a grand jury. Smollett's lawyers met with the prosecutors and the police, but it was not clear what they had discussed or if Smollett had attended the meeting.

In a statement, attorneys Todd Pugh and Victor Henderson said that Smollett "enjoys the presumption of innocence, especially when there has been an investigation like this where information, both true and false, have been disclosed ".

The announcement of the charges follows a wave of activity in recent days, including lengthy police interviews with the brothers, a search of their homes and their release once the police acquitted them.

The investigators did not say what the brothers had said to the detectives nor what evidence the detectives had collected. But it became increasingly clear that Smollett's story raised serious questions – what the police reported on Friday by announcing a "significant shift in the trajectory" of the investigation after the release of the brothers.

Smollett, who plays a gay character in the famed Fox TV show, said he had been attacked while returning home from a Subway sandwich shop. He added that the masked men had beaten him, made derogatory comments and shouted "This is a MAGA country" – an apparent reference to President Donald Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again" – before to flee.

Earlier Wednesday, Fox Entertainment and 20th Century Fox Television issued a statement claiming that Smollett "remained an accomplished professional on the set" and that his character was not being removed from the series. The series is shot in Chicago and follows a black family as it navigates the highs and lows of the record industry.

The studio's statement followed reports that Smollett's role had been reduced during the police investigation.

Rumors about Smollett's potential role in the attack began with reports that he had not cooperated fully with the police and reports that detectives in a city bristling with surveillance cameras could not find video of the attack.

The detectives found and posted images of two people they said they wanted to interview. They then recovered the brothers at O'Hare Airport upon their return from Nigeria. The police interrogated the men and searched their apartment.

The two brothers, identified by their lawyer as Abimbola "Abel" and Olabinjo "Ola" Osundairo, were detained for nearly 48 hours on suspicion of assaulting Smollett.

The day after their release, police said the men had provided information that "changed the trajectory of the investigation" and that the detectives asked for another interview with Smollett.

Police said one of the men had appeared on "Empire" and Smollett's lawyers said one of the men was the actor's personal trainer, whom he hired to help him. physically prepare for a music video. The actor released his first album, "Sum of My Music," last year.

Smollett was indicted by the prosecutors and not by the grand jury. The police spokesman said the two brothers had appeared before the committee to "lock their testimony".

Sitting in front of the courthouse where the grand jury met, the two brothers' lawyer said the two men had testified for about two and a half hours.

"There was a point where this story had to be told, and they were monitored and they said we were going to fix that," said Gloria Schmidt.

She said that her clients did not care about compromises or immunities. "You do not need immunity when you have the truth," she said.

She also stated that her clients had received money from Smollett, but she did not provide details.

Smollett has been active in issues related to the LBGTQ, and early reports of the assault attracted outrage and support on social media, including Senator Kamala Harris from California and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

Referring to a published account of the attack, President Donald Trump told reporters at the White House that "the situation does not worsen, as far as I'm concerned".

But several hours after Smollett was declared a suspect and the charges were announced, celebrity reactions online were few.

The former Cook County Attorney, Andrew Weisberg, said the judges rarely jailed the defendants for making false reports, instead choosing to put them on probation, especially if they were not in prison. had no criminal record.

Smollett has a criminal record relating to giving false information to the police when he is arrested while he was suspected of impaired driving. According to reports, he was also accused of false impersonation and driving without a license. Later he did not advocate for a fee reduction and followed a program of education and treatment of alcoholism.

Another potential problem is the bill that a person could receive after falsely reporting a crime that has resulted in an investigation of nearly a month, including the collection and examination of hundreds of hours of video surveillance.

Everyone will guess the size of the tab, but given the time the police have invested, the cost could be huge.

Weisberg recently portrayed a client accused of misrepresenting after the surveillance video discredited her story that three men had stolen her at O'Hare Airport.

For an investigation that lasted only one day, his client had to split $ 8,400 in restitution, Weisberg said. In Smollett's case, "I can imagine that it would easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Earlier this week, Chicago's chief prosecutor, Cook County lawyer Kim Foxx, announced that she had withdrawn from the investigation.

Her office said Wednesday that Foxx had made the decision "out of caution" because of conversations she had had with one of Smollett's family members right after the report. According to a statement, when the parent expressed concern about the case, Foxx "eased the connection" between the family member and the detectives.

Foxx said the case would be handled by his first assistant, Joseph Magats, a 28-year-old senior prosecutor.


Check out the full coverage of the Jussie Smollett case by the AP.

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