An agent who represents a Lakers player says things will never be the same after Anthony Davis' rumors of trade


The Los Angeles Lakers are just hours away from their return to the field to kick off their 25-game attempt to make up for three games between them and the eighth-seeded Western Conference playoff. They will not only compete with the other NBA teams or the Sacramento Kings and the Los Angeles Clippers for this last place, but also against the ugly residue left by this year's trade deadline.

"Spend, be professional," we might say (or Magic Johnson), but it's not that simple, these guys are still human beings, and it will take them a while to get from the center of the This is the most intriguing story of this date, and some might even consider it impossible.

Check out this latest nugget, Sam Amick, from The Athletic, which to a certain extent refutes Magic's claim that the Lakers are "in the right place" right now:

But are they really? This is not the case if you talk to sources close to several key players.

"The guys will be professional, but it will never be the same," said a representative of a Lakers player.

Remember, it's not that pelicans in New Orleans have asked too many players forcing Magic to get out of the bargaining table. No, Johnson thought CEO Dell Demps was asking too much choice. It is not normal that when Magic goes to the players, he can look in the face and say that they are too valuable to be traded.

Maybe that's why we've seen such a dramatic change in less than 24 hours: Magic has gone from the promise to embrace all the remaining Lakers to reprimand the media for "force-feeding". It would be logical for him to be annoyed that the guys are reluctant to apologize for the way things are going, if things are going that way. Pretty rich stuff from a guy who has never participated in business discussions during his own career.

It is fascinating that this type of information comes from the agent of a current Laker. These types of reports only appear if a player wishes. While we are so close to the playoff race and this report is out, it really seems to show how far the Lakers are from being.

Making the playoffs in the Western Conference is quite difficult considering the competition. Winning such an offer with any kind of internal conflict is almost impossible. The Lakers have work to do. We will have a good overview soon if they can make it work.

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