An alleged gunman from the San Diego synagogue appears in court


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By Phil Helsel

A San Diego man accused of opening fire on a synagogue, killing a person and injuring others in what prosecutors call a hate crime, had magazines with 50 ammunition cartridges added during his arrest, prosecutors said Tuesday.

John T. Earnest, 19, appeared in court on Tuesday. He is charged with one count of murder and three counts of attempted murder in the attack on the Chabad Synagogue in Poway, California, which occurred Saturday morning, the last day of the Easter.

A public defender pleaded not guilty on behalf of Earnest and was sentenced to detention without bail.

A prosecutor said in court that Earnest had entered the synagogue with a semi-automatic rifle and five additional ammunition magazines from a dozen cartridges in a tactical vest and had opened fire. He would have fired between eight and ten shots before the weapon gets stuck or no longer works.

Earnest could face the death penalty if he is found guilty of hate crime being added to the circumstances but has not yet decided to ask for it.

John Earnest, accused of the fatal shooting at the Chabad of Poway synagogue, appears in court at an impeachment hearing in San Diego, California on April 30, 2019.Nelvin C. Cepeda / Pool via Reuters

"We support religious freedom and we must stand up for it with all we have, and we are determined to do justice in this matter," said Summer Stephan, San Diego District Attorney, at a news conference. press conference after Tuesday's appearance in court.

"Hate will not be tolerated in our neighborhoods," she said. "Anyone who commits an heinous act like the one we saw last weekend will be held responsible."

Earnest met Lori Gilbert Kaye, 60, who was there to pray for her dead mother, in a hallway and shot her twice as she turned to flee, killing her. Earnest then shot the rabbi before turning his gun to one of the rooms and opening fire, injuring two people, including an 8-year-old girl hit by a bullet burst, a prosecutor said. .

"The evidence showed that the defendant fired between eight and ten shots before the rifle froze or no longer worked, and that he was unable to clean the weapon," said the witness. San Diego County District Attorney Court, Leonard Trinh.

Earnest, who appears to have put online an anti-Semitic manifesto before the attack, showed no emotion during Tuesday's court appearance, acquiescing at one point and answering "yes" to a question.

There were about 30 people inside the synagogue at the time of the attack, Trinh said.

The shooting was reported shortly before 11:30 am, police said. Earnest left for the synagogue around 11:15 am and parked nearby before returning home armed with the gun, prosecutors said.

After the hang or malfunction of the rifle, Earnest left the place of worship and headed to his car, but was pursued by two faithful, including a detached Border Patrol officer who shot him and hit Earnest's car, said Trinh.

Earnest escaped in the car and reportedly called 911 and reportedly being involved in the shooting. He was reportedly armed and reportedly arrested by a San Diego police officer, Trinh said.


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