An Amazon customer asks Jeff Bezos at the shareholder meeting to help return a package: report


At the annual shareholder meeting, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, asked a customer if he could help him return a package.

Bezos, 55, the richest man in the world and CEO of one of the world's largest public companies, seemed surprised by the question. A video posted by Amazon News on YouTube on the Q & A portion of the shareholder meeting showed a public woman who was asking for some help from Bezos.

"Can you give me this back, please?" Asked the woman in Bezos holding an object. The audience laughed at the question.

The CEO was ready to help.


"Yes, of course, we will help you with that right after the meeting," he said. "Hang around a bit and we will bring someone to help and we will make sure that the return is taken care of."

"Thank you very much," the woman replied.

Bezos apologized to the woman for having to ask her for help during the meeting.

"My apologies, you had to use this unusual place to accomplish a task that should have been much simpler," he said. "We will also be looking at the root causes of this incident … but does anyone else have something to return?"


The audience laughed at Bezos' response.

Todd Bishop, a GeekWire reporter, tweeted the shareholder informing Bezos that she had tried to send the package back four times but without success.

According to Amazon's website, a customer can return items by requesting the appropriate documents at the online returns center before placing the documents in the package and attaching a return to the package. A customer also has the option of returning items to stores such as Kohl's, Amazon's partner.


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