An employee of California Airport dies as a result of a tire explosion of a reaction bridge


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By Associated press

SANTA ANA, Calif. – An employee of John Wayne Airport in southern California was killed by a tire on a jet bridge used to connect terminals to the doors of aircraft that exploded during maintenance.

Airport spokeswoman, Deanne Thompson, said the accident had occurred late Tuesday morning in a workshop.

Thompson says two airport employees were working on the tire, which was about 4 feet in diameter.

The force of the explosion triggered a fire alarm that called the rescue teams from the airfield.

A worker was declared dead. The other did not seek treatment.

Thompson said the two were working for a company that maintains the baggage handling system and jet bridges at Orange County Airport. These are the mobile passenger loading structures that connect the terminals to the doors of the airliners.

The state's workplace safety agency, known as Cal-OSHA, will conduct an investigation.


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