An Illinois senator apologizes for the photos of Trump's mock murder taken during a fundraiser


A Illinois state senator apologized for a series of photos showing supporters at a fundraiser to simulate the assassination of President Trump, WCIA reported.

Last Friday, supporters gathered to host a fundraiser for Democratic Senator Martin Sandoval, who represents parts of Chicago. Donors would have paid at least $ 250 to attend the golf outing at the Klein Creek Golf Club in Winfield.

The next day, a participant published several images showing a man pointing at what appears to be a fake assault weapon on another participant wearing a Mexican suit and a Trump mask. The images sparked an immediate reaction from members of the Democratic and Republican parties in Illinois.

"While our country is grappling with the epidemic of gun violence, it is foolish and unjust to deliberately target a fake gun," said Democratic governor J. B. Pritzker. "I condemn actions such as those illustrated in the pictures, as they lack the civility required by our policy."

Maura Possley, spokeswoman for the Democratic Party of Illinois, also participated in the controversy.

"The tragedies in El Paso and Gilroy have shown how hateful political rhetoric can stoke violence," she said. "These images are unacceptable and dangerous and the place to make our voices heard against Trump is in the polls."

Sandoval, who was elected to the Illinois Senate in 2003, chairs the Senate Transportation Committee and previously worked for the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Protection Agency of the United States. 39; environment. In a statement sent by email to WCIA, he apologized for the episode.

"The incident that occurred is unacceptable," he said. "I do not tolerate violence towards the president or anyone else, I apologize for what happened to something like this at my event."

A spokesman for Illinois Republican Party President Tim Schneider has since asked Sandoval to investigate the person responsible for posting the photos and send her back if she was an employee. .

"The excuses presented by Senator Sandoval for the hateful images of his event describing the assassination of President Trump are too few and too late," the spokesman said. "Dangerous images like this one will be condemned and viewed as inappropriate by healthy people, but a mentally unstable person who wants to harm President Trump may find it an inspiration. to allow the promotion of violence in any case. "

Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump's assistants and biggest supporters, also spoke. Twitter.

"We should ask every democrat to support or disown that," she wrote Sunday.

Several Twitter users, however, responded quickly.

"How many Republicans have disowned Trump's racist rhetoric that caused at least one collective shot," said one person asked.

Another accused Conway of hypocrisy, publishing several images of people protesting against Barack Obama with explicit signs during his tenure.

"Hold on, Obama," one reads on a panel with a picture of a noose.


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