An officer involved in the assassination of the Californian rapper was part of a fatal shootout


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By Erik Ortiz

One of the six Californian officers who repeatedly fired with their weapons on a young rapper who had fallen asleep in a car with a gun on his lap was involved in another fatal shooting that took place. was the subject of a careful review last year.

The latest details about the shooting death of Willie McCoy, a 20-year-old rapper from the San Francisco Bay Area, raised by the shooting on February 9, raised new questions about the Vallejo Police Department and its recourse to force considering the number of shootings involving officers years.

The six officers involved in McCoy's death were identified Wednesday as: Eaton Collin, Bryan Glick, Jordon Patzer, Anthony Romero-Cano, Mark Thompson and Ryan McMahon, involved in a fatal incident on February 13, 2018, when he met Ronell Foster, 32, a father of two.

The authorities stated that Foster was participating in an appeal concerning a family dispute and that, as part of an investigation, he had been approached by agents while he was driving his bike to downtown. He then started running, police said. McMahon caught up with him and they got into a "violent physical fight".


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