An UNCC instructor who escaped a shootout at a school said that students were running for their lives


A professor whose class was the scene of the murderous shootout at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte tells her story of "what really happened in the room".

While students in Adam Johnson's anthropology class gave their last presentation last month, a former student previously enrolled in the course opened fire.

Johnson wrote an essay on the experiment, which was shared on the department's website. Johnson wrote that he wanted to document the events and dispel any false information.

He said the shooting took place early in the evening of April 30, while a group broadcast a video on the static and dynamic universe.

"We have about seven minutes of video and, without warning, ripping buzzes echo throughout the room, against the glass walls, which creates a terrible reverberation," writes Johnson.

PHOTO: Students and professors leave buildings with their hands up in the air during a lockout after a shootout on the campus of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, University City , in Charlotte, April 30, 2019.
Logan Cyrus / AFP / Getty Images
Students and professors leave the buildings with their hands up in the air during a lockout after a shootout on the campus of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, at University City, in Charlotte, April 30, 2019.

He then detailed the confusion that broke out and how he hit his chair and led the students to the classroom doors.

"I head for the door, the door and leave it open for students in a hurry. A student falls down the hall and is trampled, I take them and bring them back with the flow of traffic, "he wrote. .

Johnson described the chaos outside the classroom.

"Students are dispersing and running all their lives, in all directions," he said.

PHOTO: The day after an armed man opened fire on students on May 1, 2019, people stand up during a vigil in the Dale F. Halton Arena. University of North Carolina on the Charlotte campus.
Travis Dove / The New York Times via Redux
People stand during a vigil in the Dale F. Halton Arena of the University of North Carolina on the Charlotte campus the day after an armed man opened fire on students, May 1, 2019.

Johnson stated that he and some students had gone to his office of the Department of Anthropology, where the department director had called 911. They waited "what seemed like an eternity" until they reached the office. Campus police arrive, announcing that everything was clear, he said.

He detailed the hours that immediately followed when he spoke to the police and his partner met his car to pick up his car on campus before going to his home. close friends for dinner.

"My emotions are currently very bright and I have a broken heart. My students are incredibly special to me and I try to let them know throughout the semester, "he wrote.

Johnson has identified no one in the trial, including the student who "has attacked the shooter and has undoubtedly saved more lives".

As for the shooter, "we should not glorify him because he contributes to this type of violence while continually traumatizing victims and survivors," he said.

He explained that the shooter had already been enrolled in the class and, although he was "engaged" at the beginning of the semester, the shooter stopped coming to class and Johnson learned that he was withdrawing .

Johnson said that he had met the shooter shortly after learning that he had retired from the class. He felt that it was either late January or early February. He said it was unfortunate that they had to leave the course, but I understood it.

PHOTO: Police secures UNC Charlotte's main entrance after a fatal shootout against the school on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 in Charlotte, N.C.
Jason E. Miczek / AP
Police secures the main entrance of UNC Charlotte after a fatal shootout against the school on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 in Charlotte, Nc.

Johnson said that students told him that the shooter had not said anything before emptying his magazine.

"A victim asked the shooter to stop firing and [the shooter] says, it's over, writes Johnson.

In addition to dealing with what he considers to be the broader underlying sociological and philosophical issues related to mass shooting, he thanked his friends and the community who supported him as a result.

"I always try to get a [sic] manage my personal feelings around this and I find that it is cathartic to engage in it anthropologically, "he wrote.


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