An update on who speedruns Mario blindfolded


Oh my God, oh no he doesn't see Bowser coming up behind him!

This summer’s edition of Games finished quickly, a live broadcast charity marathon or speed runners try to set new records for breaking games way too fast, featuring two players destroying childhood memories of being decent enough on Nintendo playing through Super Marios Bros. and Super Mario 64 blindfolded.

This is a trick that may seem impossible to those of us already flabbergasted by the kind of gamers who can rush into the Mario games that have lasted us for years. in a few minutes, but the blindfolded speedrunner subset exists do this kind of thing for a while.

most notable recent example ia streamer who goes through Crescendo, who managed to beat the original Super Mario Bros. in 11 minutes and 55 seconds while wearing a sleep mask. A video of the feat shows his method, which consists of using echolocation assisted by a fireball (as a kind of bat) and know the levels inside and outside.

Second Big Blindfolded Speedrun Came From Guy Passing By Bubzia Ripping Up Super Mario 64 as if his parents were about to realize that Blockbuster was a week late. How he was able to afford the game, which can only be properly appreciated by spend $ 1.56 million on a sealed copy, is not it. But, having got a version of it running, he presents what he does, covers his eyes, and completes the classic Nintendo 64 finish in just one hour and fifty minutes. As the controller clicks and the “ya-hoo! Maniacs echo in the stream, a commentator explains exactly how a blindfold race is accomplished.

While this is an impressive accomplishment, it really fuels the sense of pride the rest of us get from just managing to make it into the top five of a. Call of Duty match. Then the pros will shoot us across a map while showing footage of themselves holding a headstand or juggling knives at the same time.

[via Eurogamer]

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