Analogue Says Pocket Preorders Return With Added Protection From Bots


If you missed the pre-order for Analogue’s Pocket gaming handheld, good news: more pre-orders are coming, and Analogue says it is implementing robot and scalper protections to help keep dealers away. .

In a new post, Analogue outlined their plans for 2021 pre-orders.

Analogue says it is implementing “robust” bot protection, and all orders placed using bots will be canceled and inventory will be reallocated to real customers. For human scalpers, Analogue says they will work with eBay to monitor and cancel accounts selling access to a pre-order, which is against eBay’s terms of service.

Analogue Pocket – 8 new images

“The current state of things in the world has had consequences that have affected the global supply chain and this has temporarily slowed down our ability to keep many of our products in stock (Super Nt, Mega Sg) and reduced the Pocket’s production capacity, ”Analogue said. “We are aware that many users are frustrated that Pocket pre-orders have sold out quickly and the Super Nt and Mega Sg are currently unavailable.”

Analogue says it is also taking steps to avoid encountering shipping calculation errors, which have delayed some shipments and prevented some people from completing orders.

You can sign up to receive pre-order notifications on the Analogue site.

Analogue Pocket: 13 images of the new handheld

The Analogue Pocket is actually a modern reinvention of the Nintendo Game Boy. Featuring a sleek, minimalist design (like a Game Boy as envisioned by a PS4 designer), the Pocket is compatible with 2,780 Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance cartridges. It also works with cartridge adapters for Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket, Atari Lynx and others. Although it is 10 times the resolution of a Game Boy screen, the Pocket can also use an “original display mode” to reproduce the look of the original game. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the Pocket also has its own music creation and game design software. You can read our full overview here.

The first wave of Analogue Pocket handhelds are expected to start shipping in May 2021.

Joseph Knoop is a writer / producer / game boy for IGN.


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