Anatomy of a Power Play: How 9 House Dems Made Their Deal with Pelosi


“Not everyone loves you every day, but when you sit down and work with both sides you tend to get hit from both sides,” Gottheimer said in an interview about his tactics. “If it’s for the good of the country, to make progress and do what’s right for the people we represent, that’s my job.”

However, the sustainability of the victory of the centrists remains to be debated. The two-day budget showdown has exposed the struggles of such a disparate bloc of Democrats – a mix of fiscal and social conservatives, vulnerable ‘frontlines’ and some who hold deep blue seats – as they seek to maximize their influence.

As Gottheimer and his group celebrate the concession they won on infrastructure, they face a bigger question: whether they spent too much political capital on a timing fight, while a much larger debate on the size and scope of the party’s social spending program has yet to come this fall.

Barely 24 hours before the vote, no one on the Hill knew how it would end.

Pelosi, not the type to respond well to requests from his base, was in no rush. The Californian was hosting a who’s who of Democratic luminaries at her annual fundraiser in Napa this weekend as members of her management team were dispatched to try to reason with the moderates.

But during a private leadership call on Sunday afternoon with just Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, it became apparent that the Democratic leadership trio longtime had a problem in his hands.

While Pelosi had been in contact with other centrists in Gottheimer’s group, it had been over a week since she and the New Jersey Democrat had had a conversation. During the Sunday leadership call, Hoyer – who had been in close contact with the rebels for several days – suggested it was time for the speaker to engage Gottheimer directly, despite his long-standing reputation as a scum. alienated many caucus members.

On Monday night, Pelosi, Hoyer and the rest of his management team were engaged in a wave of negotiations with Gottheimer and the other moderates. Such attention, in many ways, was precisely what the moderates had wanted in the first place.

These efforts, however, took much longer than expected, with Gottheimer and another senior centrist, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), encountering disagreements within their own ad hoc group over how to end the dead end. While the group had one singular public demand – an immediate vote on the Senate infrastructure bill – several of its members addressed the leadership individually in private with their own desires and demands, complicating negotiations.

The moderates walked away from the stalemate on Tuesday by declaring victory, with a promise to be included in the drafting of the $ 3.5 trillion social spending program as well as a certain date for a vote on infrastructure. Pelosi and her allies, meanwhile, argue that she hasn’t deviated from her previous strategy.

” A victory ? Pelosi responded on Tuesday when asked if Gottheimer had achieved a significant victory. “We are not talking about a victory. We are talking about adopting a rule.

Progressives, who have been largely silent in the midst of the moderates’ maneuver for the time being, later said Pelosi simply reiterated his earlier plans to try to get the two massive bills through by the end of September. . And they said their caucus of nearly 100 members would only support the Senate infrastructure deal after passing the broader party line spending bill.

“I don’t see them as concessions,” Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) Said of the demands given to the centrists.

“The fact that they end up supporting what they said they wouldn’t do without actually getting what they wanted, I think they might fail in negotiations in the future,” he said. she added.

Unlike the House Liberals, most of whom align themselves with the progressive congressional caucus, the moderates are more dispersed in the caucus. Their different wings – the Blue Dogs, the New Democrats, and the Problem Solvers – typically spend more time discussing the semantic differences between groups than they do banding together to force a hand in leadership.

For example, the larger NDP Coalition fully supported the speaker approach while key members of the other two held firm.

“I think a lot of it was probably unnecessary. We could have moved the process forward, but it’s called legislating, ”said Rep. Ami Bera (D-Calif.), Senior member of the NDP.

Gottheimer’s allies mostly included members of the Problem Solvers Caucus, though they came together loosely and usually organized by word of mouth amid their frustrations with Pelosi’s two-way strategy.

Another key moderate, Blue Dog co-leader Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.), Agreed with them and had worked with executives behind the scenes. But Murphy only released a Monday night editorial, adding another complication to the already tense negotiations.

Murphy had sent a series of proposals to Democratic leaders and the White House a week earlier. These included a deadline for the end of September for the infrastructure bill and some insurance for the $ 3.5 trillion package of expenses, which the centrists finally received.

Still, Murphy said those early ideas had been ignored and she began writing her editorial – which called her own party’s strategy “misguided” – shortly after a strained appeal from President Joe Biden himself on Sunday. evening, according to people familiar with the discussions.

“I can’t explain why the serious negotiations only took place at the eleventh hour,” Murphy said in an interview Tuesday, after supporting the budget on the floor. “I always find that people who wait until the very last minute to do their homework, let’s just say they end up staying awake very late.”

Murphy is among several Democrats who are hoping to see a more involved White House in the next, possibly more intense, round of negotiations on the $ 3.5 trillion bill.

Biden’s appeal to Murphy was one of many ways senior Democrats had discussed to pressure their members to support the budget vote. Another idea was to ask Gottheimer’s former president, former President Bill Clinton, to make calls, although sources close to the 46-year-old centrist insist that never happened.

One way the top Democrats have tried to turn the screw has been fundraising, with House Democratic campaigning chairman Sean Patrick Maloney (DN.Y.) and his team. issue veiled warnings on the financial support of the campaign branch if the moderates followed through on their threats.

But while Gottheimer had always wanted a deal, he sometimes had trouble locking up the other eight members of his motley group.

On Monday evening, Pelosi and Gottheimer had finally come to an agreement on a timetable, setting a date of September 28 to vote on the Senate bill., when another of the moderates balked. Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-Ga.) Insisted the deadline for a vote be pushed back by a full week, moving away from when the House would likely vote on the massive deal on social spending, according to people familiar with the talks.

As time passed past midnight, the negotiating group decided to take a break as it became clear that they would not come to a deal. But hours later, Pelosi and Gottheimer resumed talks with an early call Tuesday morning.

Later that morning, Gottheimer’s group was on the verge of announcing a deal again, only to be delayed at the last minute by members of their own group who demanded stronger language on the timeline. This final change ended up getting all nine votes.

In the end, Gottheimer and Cuellar blocked the votes of all Democrats who signed their letter.

When asked how he and Gottheimer convinced the rest of the moderates, Cuellar – who worked closely with his longtime ally Clyburn – replied, “With a lot of work.”

“We have a date to vote on this, the 27th. We agreed that we would vote, as did the Democrats in the Senate. So I think we got it all, ”Cuellar said.

Nicholas Wu and Anthony Adragna contributed to this report.


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