Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Roundup Review – What Do Critics Say?


We are certainly not short of new games this week, and critics of many of these games are already starting to appear. First, Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, sees a little indecisive ditch, with some praise the game of survival while others are not so positive.

In Ancestors, you take control of a clan of monkeys on 10 million in Africa before JC and you must try to survive long enough for your lineage to last up to 2 million BC. You do it by eating, drinking, sleeping, reproducing, making mistakes, experimenting and learning long enough to be able to evolve and pass on what you have learned to the next generation. The process is slow and dangerous, with both physical ailments and hungry predators.

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Ancestors: The Odyssey of Humanity appears on PC via Epic Games Store on August 26th. The game should also be released on Xbox One and PS4 in December. Below we have compiled a list of some of the reviews already published for Ancestors, including ours. For a broader overview of the critical reception of ancestors, visit GameSpot's partner site, Metacritic.

  • Thu: Ancestors: The Human Odyssey
  • developer: Panache Digital Games
  • Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4
  • Release date: August 27 (December on consoles)
  • Price: $ 40 USD

GameSpot – 4/10

"Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey dwells too long on its most difficult aspects.The game rewards the first experiences, but then asks you to repeat the process again and again without any way to preserve your heritage. From the goal of Ancestors – surviving for eight million years – an expensive mistake, whether it's the game or yours, can erase everything you've accomplished. It is systematically ruined by violent predators., Although the threat diminishes once you are advanced enough in the extended tree of the skills and strengths of the neurological network.But in the current state, invest in the course of Ancestors requires too much effort for an insufficient reward. "- Jordan Ramée [Full review]

PC Gamer – 5.8 / 10

"Alas, the lineage of the Chunky Monkeys was wiped out about a million years later, after losing some fighting and exhausting its fertile females, and my next two clans did not get any better off. Ancestors from the beginning is an important step, drag, having to rediscover each leaf and plant that has tired me for a long time already tired of picking, sniffing and tasting – without forgetting to repeat all these inexhaustible and unpublished backgrounds. enough. " – Christopher Livingston [Full review]

Rock, paper, shotgun

"I wrote the essence of this review, then I felt maybe too harsh, so I took a break and went back in. I wanted to enjoy it. I played more slowly, explored a little, found new foods, new tools For a moment, I did that and I said to myself: it may be a game that rewards people with more patience, but a lion from the forest was quickly devouring me because of the rogue's mechanism, the last primate of my lineage, and although I could go back to the main menu and try again from a checkpoint, I decided to let the future human race disappear In many ways, it was a relief to be so well digested Thank you, big cat, you can keep this jungle, I do not want it. "- Brendan Caldwell [Full review]

Polygon – No score

"Trying to dismantle many ancestral systems would be a daunting task for a review, and to be honest, I do not understand enough to try, even with about 10 hours of play to my credit." I found that trying new things was boring – and I say it in a flattering way: I could stay close to my clan, eat, drink and sleep like a satisfied hominid as long as I would like, but why would you want to play kind of game if you did not want to go on an adventure? "- Ben Kuchera [Full review]

VG247 – No score

"The ancestors feel stubbornly obstinate, even after developing my neurons of memory, my recognition and my sense of smell, my avatar still forgot what a dead branch looked like every 50 feet, or the sound of a snake that whistles. it is an evolution, because each generation remembers only the skills you have strengthened and will forget the rest, which means that you have to repeat the same actions for millions of years in There is a kind of direction: to expand and evolve – but the lack of color, repetitive noises and actions merge.It's interesting at first, but its bundle of ideas and systems stumbles between smart and stupid, intuitive and clumsy Ancestors: The Odyssey of Man needs more time to evolve. "- Lauren Aitken [Full review]

IGN – 7/10

"Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, the biggest challenge is to understand – or simply googling – how its basic mechanisms of survival, craftsmanship and combat work.After you understand them, they become almost trivial. and the main attraction is to enjoy exploring the huge and lush prehistoric African map.The evolution of your tribe's abilities seems artificially drawn, but it's hard not to develop weak point for these disposable monkeys because of their authentic animations. "- Dan Stapleton [Full review]


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