Andrade responds to criticism of his match with Kenny Omega


Andrade El Idolo hit back at criticism of his match with Kenny Omega at Saturday night’s AAA TripleMania XXIX event in Mexico City.

Several fans on Twitter pointed out that Andrade promised to have a “5+ star match” with Omega in a pre-match interview. However, the match disappointed in the eyes of Dave Meltzer and many fans – criticisms that Andrade considered unfair. Meltzer said on Radio wrestling observer: “It was like Kenny Omega was working to have a really good game, but Andrade was working to only have a good game.”

Andrade responded to Meltzer’s criticism with the following tweet:

This man hates me and will never speak well of me or my fiancée but all the fans love him for the garbage that comes out of his mouth. i’m a pro and i showed it yesterday and LA SOMBRA is back to show everyone i’m better than waiting for a stupid rating (DM)

As previously stated, Andrade was initially set to win the Omega AAA Mega Championship at the event. However, AEW stepped in and asked AAA to put the title change on hold.

You can see Andrade’s tweet below:


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