Andrew Taake: Bumble match turns into January 6 suspect who allegedly whipped police


Prosecutors said Andrew Taake of Texas used the Bumble dating app while in Washington on January 6. He sent several selfies and claimed to have spent 30 minutes in the building.

Within days, the match returned him to the FBI, prosecutors said in new court cases on Friday.

Screenshots from their chat Bumble show Taake telling the game he was “standing there peacefully” on Capitol Hill. But prosecutors say he was involved in two violent attacks on police defending the building. Images from the front lines show Taake using pepper spray against the police line and later hitting the police with a metal whip, court documents show.

He has been charged with several federal crimes, including assaulting a police officer, civil unrest and obstructing congressional proceedings. He hasn’t pleaded yet.

He is now the second known accused on Capitol Hill to be arrested over online dating gone awry. A New York man was charged in April after a Bumble match returned him.
Taake’s dating profile indicates that he owns a pressure washing business in Houston, according to one of the screenshots.


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