Andrew Yang takes a look at the missing message from Hillary Clinton


DES MOINES, Iowa – PAndrew Yang, a candidate for the residential network, is planted at Hillary Clinton for failing to adequately counter the slogan of President Trump's 2016 campaign.

"Donald Trump won in 2016 highlighting the problems." What did Hillary Clinton answer? Yang asked the crowd during his speech to the Polk County Steak Fry on Saturday. He said, "Make a great America again. "What Hillary said? America is already big. And we lost. We need a new message."

A political outsider, Yang, is centering his campaign on a plan to give Americans $ 1,000 a "Freedom Dividend" per month to fight the economic displacement caused by automation.

Yang said that Trump "defined the problems, but his solutions were the opposite of what we needed".

"We have to advance the time," Yang said. "We need to accelerate our economy and society as quickly as possible, we need to evolve in the way we think about work and value."

The technology business man has been touted as the candidate most likely to beat the president because of his appeal to Trump voters.

"I am one of only two field candidates that 10% or more of Trump's voters say they will support," he said. "So, if I'm your candidate, we'll win."

In one Monks' register/ CNN / Mediacom poll released on Saturday, Yang received 2% support among likely participants in the Democratic caucus.


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