Earlier this month, Google unveiled its updated design language for the Android logo before the release of Android 10. In addition to raising the bugdroid (or at least its head) to the logo it – even a new typography for the text "android" has also been posted. As part of the update campaign for different Android sites, the logos for Android TV, Android Auto and Android One have all been updated to reflect these previous changes.

Alumni (left) and new logos (right) Android TV.

Finished the old Android green # A4C639. The future is white (when it is not dark, anyway). The "Android" section of each logo remains in bold relative to the suspended descriptive modifier, but the fonts have been updated to match those used by the general overhaul of Android.

Alumni (left) and new (right) Android Auto logos.

The Android Auto logo gets the same treatment, although the word "auto" is replaced by the word "tv".

Old (left) and new (right) Android One logos.

The Android One logo is a little more colorful than the other two (although we can only see monochrome variants for Android TV and Auto). Like the others, the typography has been modified in the same way, but the text "one" described previously is now a shade of the new Android green, and the text, outlines and background of the Android are blue. I would bet that the color is the new "marine" shipping # 073042 announced as an official focus for the Android brand.

There is a good chance that these redesigned logos will be incorporated into the complete redesign of the site that has been deployed among different Android properties earlier today. According to Internet Archive, sites used old logos as recently as yesterday.