Android Police now supports Google AMP and you will like it even if you hate AMP.


Accelerated Mobile Pages, or "AMP", is a project on which Google has been working for several years, enabling sites to create faster mobile experiences faster. You've probably already seen most of your favorite sites add AMP support for a year or two, and you can now rely on Android Police (your favorite site, of course) among them!

So, what took us so long? Well, we spent a whole year working on a highly customized version of AMP that almost looks like the actual site. All design elements look the same, the comments section works (many websites forget that!), Videos and other embedded content are fully functional and everything is generally in line with your expectations. However, you can still take advantage of the speed of using AMP, because items do not load until you scroll them. You can see a demo here.

Left: Regular page; Right: AMP page

If you are on the AMP version of a page and want to see the original version, there is a convenient link under the title of the article. Most sites make it extremely difficult to return to the original page, and while our AMP site is basically the same as the mobile site, we still added a link. Only articles have AMP versions, not the homepage, categories, tags, etc.

The image gallery is one of the best aspects of AMP articles. It's super smooth and responsive, and you can swipe it at any time to close the pop-up window.

Some of the AMP work has already had a positive effect on the main site. For example, because AMP does not allow custom JavaScript, we had to create a new method of resizing images (and videos and other embedded content) entirely based on CSS and on the PHP server. We rolled out the new implementation earlier this month on the main site, eliminating once and for all the annoying problem of loading images by jumping up and down the page.

We also signed up for Google's "AMP Real URL" program. Therefore, the AMP page in Chrome should soon display "" in the address bar instead of a Google URL (when you visit Google Feed / News / Search). / Etc.). Deployment depends on server-side magic, and this should happen in the next few days.

The only bug you may notice is that the full-screen image gallery sometimes skips images during a scan. This is due to a problem with the official AMP gallery, not what we did, and Google engineers say it will take a few weeks to solve the problem.

It took a lot of effort to make our AMP pages complete with the main site, and I do not think it's an exaggeration to say that it's one of the best implementations on the web aujourd & # 39; hui. If you wait, do not forget to thank our talented development team. Artem, Maciej, Sebastiaan, Stephan and Vlad.

If you find a bug, let us know by submitting a problem on GitHub or by sending a tip.


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