Who doesn’t love content suggestions that are perfectly tailored to their tastes? If you don’t think Android TV has been doing a good job so far, Google has a new update that aims to improve that, in addition to adding a few new features.

The new “Improve Your Recommendations” card on Discover will display a Tinder-like interface and ask you to identify which titles you like and which you don’t like. Once you’ve given enough responses for Google’s recommendation engine, the Discover tab will automatically adjust to show movies and TV shows you might like.

Google is also introducing Watchlist support, first introduced with the rebranding of the Google TV app. As the name suggests, it stores all the tracks you want to watch later. You will be able to add shows and movies to your Android TV either by long pressing on it in the Discover tab and selecting “Add to Watchlist” or by tapping the “Watchlist” button on the details page. . You can also add to this list from your phone or laptop, using Google search or the Google TV mobile app.

Watchlist titles will appear in a row on the Discover tab.

Finally, Google made the details page a bit more immersive. Trailers are easier to access and will play automatically when available. However, if you are not a fan of autoplay videos, you can turn them off in settings.

The new update is rolling out to Android TV devices starting this week, so you should get your hands on it as soon as possible.