Angel Olsen – Video "Alouette"


Angel Olsen, an artist who has not yet released a less than brilliant album, is about to hit us with a new album. Next month, Olsen will publish All mirrors, the follow-up of the amazing 2016 My wife. Olsen recorded two different versions of the new album. The one we are going to hear is the one she created with Burn your fire without a witness producer John Congleton and an orchestra of 14 musicians. We have already posted his video for the title track. Today, Olsen also shares the clip of "Lark", the opening title of the album.

Like "All Mirrors", "Lark" is a lush, immersive atmospheric music – the kind of thing that can absolutely fill a room. The song lasts six minutes – starting with blues and blues, before adding more and more strings and guitars, to give birth to something of amazing beauty. The moment when the resounding drums resound and Olsen's voice goes from a whisper to a yelp is a real uprising. The rest of the song moves from peak to peak, building after building. You know it's a masterpiece the first time you hear it.

In the video of director Ashley Connor, this moment is even better. We saw Olsen, panicked, come out of the house in a storm, jump into a stranger's van and watch the sunrise. And when the song sounds, she looks at the camera, standing on top of a green mountain, singing loudly – some real Sound of music shit. Olsen spends the rest of the video going through nature: rolling in the meadows, swimming in the lakes, running on the beaches with wild horses, screaming in the rain, finding an emotional catharsis. It's a beautiful sight and you can watch it below.

In a press release, Olsen said:

"Lark" is a song that took several years to complete. The incoherent feelings and couplets of this song began to make sense as a way for me to exercise some sort of mourning journey, a kind of personal struggle. The message of the song was born at the beginning of an argument I had with someone about trust and support. Later, I was inspired by recurring themes in my life as a musician and human dreaming of making a living. It's easy to promise the world to those we love, but what happens when our dreams change and our values ​​separate?

Director Connor says of the video:

"Lark" is the cathartic version we all ask for but that we receive so rarely: a hymn to shout on the tops of the hills, to the back of a truck or just in the privacy of our house. We cried on the beaches, we broke bones, we got wet, we rolled in the grass, we danced around a fire with friends and we kissed each other – a good exploration of each heart broken that we have ever had.

All mirrors was released 10/4 on Jagjaguwar. Pre-order it here.


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