Angelina Jolie can not go wrong


The camera loves Angelina. Fans love Angelina. The UN loves Angelina. I love Angelina. You love Angelina. Everyone loves Angelina – except maybe Brad Pitt.

She may not be in love with the Oscar winner / best-selling Golden Globe / actress, Angelina, of some of the less important characters in her new movie.

Chinging and complaining, the smaller humph types, she acted like a big star. Well, children, she is. They act as if she were the director. Well, she realized even though her business may not have been rewarded.

As Britannia does not have enough problems with the Brexit and his Prince Andrew, his high prices and his high mortality rate and Mrs. Duchess Meghan, this "Maleficent" film shot in Pinewood Studios in England.

Despite the rumors of these extras, this suite was released in October. This is a dark and fantastic film composed of mysterious evil characters – some of whom worked on the project.

second thoughts

On the hurricane, all the faces on television were crumbling: "Our thoughts and prayers are with them". Each of these thoughts and prayers. We share this feeling. But we are not a world of idiots.

Before this sentence spreads over more hearts and prayers, I think they should repeat another sentence.

Fall in these

It's the beginners' time.

"The intervention" by actress Janel Tanna will be celebrated on September 18th at the Niagara Falls Film Festival, then her cover of Resident magazine at Philippe the 24th in New York. . . Artist Elizabeth Sutton, which is collected by Kendall Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian, launches a line of leather bags, belts and acrylic handbags in Saint-Barthélemy on November 20th.

Goodbye, Val

Many of us loved Valerie Harper even off screen. Ed Asner, who was Lou Grant for Rhoda Morgenstern, from his television: "Good night, beautiful. I'll see you soon. "

Then: "She was a great friend with balls bigger than mine."

His quote is not mine. . .

Dazed school

From Ann Arbor, Mich. Sasha Obama has a normal room in the West Quad, a "mixed residence" that welcomes about 1,000 students from the upper class and first grade.

After his secret service also came earlier to check the dormitories, the locals started yawning.

Just go around

The annual Hamptons show. You know. I know that. Even two-legged horses with homes know it.

Tables can cost up to $ 50,000.

Brooke Shields: "My last horse was called Atlantis. I have just started to jump again. I was away for a while. But now I'm going to Firefly Barn here.

And then, there is Mike Bloomberg, who watches equestrian girl Georgina leap higher than Hizzoner: "I was 10 years old when I first sat on horseback. I worked in a barn with three stalls. They let me go in exchange for shoveling. "

Please, please, no remarks on a future pol shoveling manure.

Beauty emergency

The skin care specialist, Peter Thomas Roth, has almost come out of his skin.

Airplane emergency. By maneuvering a bad lever, an air hostess triggered the emergency exit, which then inflated a life raft on the runway. Very angry, the unfortunate passengers were fooled because the FDA did not allow flights with two life rafts.

Her skincare line is called Naturally Serious. Yes indeed.

During the election period, this brilliant Thomas Jefferson who, I must mention, did not tell me personally: "A government powerful enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to deprive you of everything you have. .

What question raises this question: Will Vice-President Joe Bloopden remember correctly the name of our country?

It's a problem for the Dumbocrates, not just New York, the kids, not just New York.


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