Angelina Jolie joins Instagram and shares letter from Afghan teen – deadline


Angelina Jolie started her social media life on a high note, as her first post racked up 1,168,915 likes and 3.7 million followers in just nine hours.

Jolie used her first post to draw attention to a letter she said she received from a teenage girl in Afghanistan.

“Right now, the Afghan people are losing their ability to communicate on social media and express themselves freely,” Jolie said in the caption of the article. “So I came to Instagram to share their stories and the voices of those around the world who are fighting for their basic human rights. “

The girl, whose name has been redacted, wrote about her fears that the return of the Taliban would put an end to her school career, saying that “we are all imprisoned again”.

Jolie to star in upcoming Marvel movie The Eternals, and recounted his stay in Afghanistan a few weeks before the September 11 attacks. It was then that she said she first encountered refugees fleeing the Taliban regime.

“It is sickening to see Afghans moving again because of the fear and uncertainty that grips their country,” she wrote. “Spending so much time and money, bloodshed and lives lost to get there, is a failure almost impossible to understand. “

Jolie has vowed not to look away from the tragedy unfolding at the airport in Afghanistan and across the country.

“Like others who have signed up, I will not turn away. I will continue to look for ways to help. And I hope you will join me, ”Jolie said.

Jolie’s post received over 25,000 likes in less than an hour.

Jolie joins other public figures who are also speaking out on the situation in Afghanistan.


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