Angelina Jolie looks stylish in an all-black outfit for a shopping trip


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, celebrity outings are rare. However, Angelina Jolie went out this weekend to go shopping with her children.

The Oscar winner has only been pictured a few times over the past few months, usually when she’s been collecting food or buying essentials with her children. Regardless of the fact that Jolie’s travels have been very low-key, the actress always looks chic when she leaves the house.

Jolie was spotted in a shopping mall on Saturday with two of her children – Zahara and Shiloh. For the excursion, Jolie wore a long black fitted coat, with a pair of black leather boots and a black mask. She wore an elegant black leather bag to complete her all-black look.

angelina jolie


In March 2020, a source opened to IS! News on what Jolie and her children had done during the pandemic. “All the kids are at home with Angelina but they kept seeing Brad. [Pitt] and go for their regular visits, ”the source explained. They spend a lot of time with their family and spend time together watching movies. “

Despite the changes to their usual routines, Jolie and Pitt’s children would make the most of the time spent together at home. As the source said IS! News, “They keep track of their schoolwork, practice their languages, play instruments, board games and help prepare dinner … It hasn’t been too much of an adjustment since they got used to doing homework at the House.”

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