Angry Britney Spears Calls Sister Jamie Lynn On Instagram – Deadline


UPDATE, 18:20: Britney Spears took her younger sister Jamie Lynn to task in an Instagram post on Saturday.

“I don’t like my sister showing up at an awards ceremony and performing MY SONGS on remixes !!!!!” she wrote. “My so-called support system has hurt me deeply !!!!”

Spears appeared to be referring to a performance by Jamie Lynn at the 2017 Radio Disney Music Awards, where she herself was honored with the Icon Award. Her latest Instagram salvo appeared to clarify a post she posted earlier today about the “closest people” to her, whom she says she has been missing.

Jamie Lynn Spears has been criticized by internet critics for her silence about her sister’s guardianship. She first took to Instagram to discuss Britney’s legal situation on June 28, saying she had “only loved, adored and supported” her sister and couldn’t take advantage of her guardianship.

With her latest Instagram post, Britney Spears also shot her father Jamie, reaffirming her intention to retire from performing. “I’m not going to be performing on stages anytime soon with my dad who manages what I wear, say, do or think !!!!” she wrote. “I’ve been doing this for 13 years… I much prefer to share videos… from my living room.

Then there are those Spears fans who criticized the dance videos she does at home. “You’re lucky I’m posting anything… if you don’t like what you see, don’t follow me !!!” Spears wrote, in response. “If you don’t want to see my precious ass dancing in my living room or it’s not up to your standards… go read a fucking book !!!!”

Spears was first placed under guardianship, supervised in part by her father Jamie, in 2008, following a series of public incidents and hospitalizations. She asked Los Angeles judge Brenda Penny to end the guardianship on June 28. As her legal battle continues, it recently turned in his favor, when he was allowed to appoint his own lawyer.

Britney Spears’ latest Instagram post can be found below.

PREVIOUS 9:37 am: It’s Britney, bitch. And she’s back and angry.

Britney Spears lashed out on Instagram on Friday against the “closest people” to her who failed to help her when needed. The post was apparently aimed at those who have only recently started speaking on his behalf about his guardianship.

No name was mentioned, but Spears said they “know who you are.”

“Never forget who ignored you when you needed it and who helped you before you even had to ask,” the post read.

Britney Spears’ new lawyer vows to remove singer’s father from controversial guardianship; Pop Star Praises “Real Representation” With Cart Wheels – Update


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